Runfessions: January 2021

It’s time once again to link up with Marcia to share some runfessions.

I’m a little late to the party because we were on the road headed to Julian with the camper. It’s hard to concentrate on a post and backseat drive at the same time. LOL We were 2 miles from our destination when we hit snow and got turned around by CHP because of a car accident. I hope the accident victims were okay. I runfess that I was relieved to get away from the snow and find a dryer, warmer campsite.

Much better!

Some of you may have read my Virtual Boston Marathon recap where I said I wasn’t sure if I would ever run another marathon again, well…I runfess that when I saw that the B.A.A. announced the date for the live and in person Boston Marathon I checked my calendar and started making plans in my head. If I was to register there are no guarantees that I will be accepted. While they are still taking qualifying times from 2018 (because last year was a bust) the field size hasn’t been determined. My guess is it’s going to be a lot smaller so I may not make it in. 

*Google images

When my oldest daughter moved out I turned her room into what I like to call my quiet room. My plan was to use it for yoga. I runfess that I have done yoga all of 3 times since. I use it mostly for reading (and then napping) but it’s not being wasted because my youngest uses the room daily. Funny how she prefers yoga over running. Weird kid. 🙂

A work in progress.


How’s everyone doing with their COVID vaccines? Have you been able to schedule your first vaccine? I have to runfess that I am amazed at how many people still think that COVID is a political hoax. I do understand how some people would be hesitant and unsure about the vaccine but I trust that it is safe and better than getting COVID. I know too many people who have lost their lives or are now having complications from the disease. Please get your vaccine when you can and stay well.

Okay…on to one last runfess. I runfess that I am over distracted drivers. Why can’t people just drive? I was on a run the other day standing at a light when a car sat through his whole green arrow because he didn’t notice the light had changed, and the two cars behind were beeping their horns. I don’t know if he was on his phone or just had too much on his mind. He was just one of many drivers that day. Pay attention and drive people.

*Google images

Well thanks for listening (reading), I feel better and now I can go into February with a cleansed soul/sole.

Do you get annoyed with distracted drivers or is it just me? Are you hesitant about getting vaccinated? 

Until next time…

Keep running!





  1. deborahbrooks14 | 30th Jan 21

    It’s nice that you are able to carve out a quiet space for yourself. It’s great for yoga or reading or whatever. I am ready for my vaccine and waiting to get an appointment which will take a while

    • Denise | 30th Jan 21

      It’s a nice place to read when it’s too chilly to sit outside.
      I hope you are able to get an appointment soon.

  2. Marcia | 30th Jan 21

    I am not at all hesitant about getting vaccinated. That said I doubt it’ll be available to me here IL for quite some time. Yes distracted drivers are horrible and they are everywhere. Yikes on that snowy drive and the accident.
    I sure hope you get your chance to run Boston IRL. You’ve earned your spot. End of story.

    • Denise | 31st Jan 21

      I hope you’re able to get vaccinated soon.
      Fortunately our car handle the trailer in the snow wonderfully! I was a little ( or a lot) nervous.
      Fingers crossed on Boston. Thanks!

  3. Kim at Running on the Fly | 30th Jan 21

    Like Deborah and Marcia, I plan to get the vaccine as well…but who knows when that will happen. I really get annoyed at drivers in general. The speeders who think speed limits are optional. The tailgaters. The people who have not learned how to use their turn signals. And, this is just small town Iowa! I know it’s far worse in bigger cities LOL Ooooh, Boston!!!!! Fingers crossed for you!!!!!

    • Denise | 1st Feb 21

      You were right, your comment went to spam for some reason.
      I hope you can get your vaccine soon. There are bad drivers everywhere!
      Thanks for your good vibes regarding Boston!

  4. Wendy | 30th Jan 21

    I’m happy to have gotten both doses of my vaccines. I’m pretty mad about people who are getting it who shouldn’t be; my 88 year old FIL cannot get it anywhere. It’s just wrong.

    I echo what Marcia said–if you get a chance to run Boston IRL, take it. Even if you have to walk!

    • Denise | 30th Jan 21

      That is wrong. Your FIL should be able to get it.
      I think I’m going to have to run Boston if I get a chance. I know I’ll regret it if I don’t.

  5. kookyrunner | 2nd Feb 21

    Distracted drivers are so infuriating! I just don’t understand people who try to do a million things while driving – it’s so dangerous.

    I probably won’t be able to get the vaccine until this Spring/Summer but I do plan on getting it. My parents should be eligible in the next upcoming weeks – my dad will get it but my mom has too many allergies so she needs to wait. We’re hoping they will come out with a vaccine that is safe for people with severe allergies.

  6. Catrina | 2nd Feb 21

    So cool about the Boston Marathon, Denise! I hope you registered! It’s better to try and then be declined than to try at all.

    In Europe, there aren’t enough vaccines to go round. My parents have been trying for weeks, but it looks like it’s going to be March. I would definitely get vaccinated if it were available.

    • Denise | 2nd Feb 21

      I’ll most likely register. I know I will regret it if I don’t at least try.
      People are having trouble getting vaccinated here too. I was able to because of being a nurse. I hope you can get a vaccine soon.

  7. Jenny | 10th Feb 21

    Oooh! I love your quiet room! I’m laughing because my son leaves next year, and the three remaining family members have ideas for his room- my husband wants to make it into an office, my daughter wants to make it into a gaming room (ahem) and I would turn it into a home gym. The truth is, it’s staying exactly as it is because he’s only going to college- he would not be happy to come home at Thanksgiving and find a treadmill in place of his bed.
    The way I see it is, there’s a small chance the Covid vaccine could do something unexpected to your body- but you also don’t know what Covid could do to you. Less risky to just get the vaccine- it’s not available to me yet, but I’ll get it when it is.

  8. Coco | 13th Feb 21

    That room looks so lovely! I’m sure I’d use it for reading and napping. The thought of a live Boston Marathon is so exciting — go for it!

    • Denise | 15th Feb 21

      Thanks Coco! I’ve actually been using the room a little more for yoga. 👍🏻
      I will try for Boston. How could I not? 😊

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