When Your Race Turns Virtual


Life sure is crazy right now. Just when I thought things were showing small signs of getting back to normalcy the country falls apart. I absolutely believe things need to change and if you want to peacefully protest then do it. Racism and bad cops needs to end. Then there are the scumbags that use this crisis as an opportunity to loot and trash peoples’ businesses. My favorite part of Long Beach, California (The Pike) was ruined. I cry for the small business owners who lost everything they worked so hard for. It’s all just too sad.

Okay, now that I got some of that out of my system, let’s move on to running related craziness.

I’m sure everyone knows by now that for the first time in 124 years the Boston marathon has been canceled. The B.A.A. will be reimbursing all registration fees and all qualified runners have the option to run a virtual race. A virtual race! Yeah…NO! My husband was like “What does that even mean?”. Not being a runner he had no idea that runners are now expected (probably not the right word, more like encouraged or given the option) to run virtual races.

So does this mean I can almost finish the marathon? Of course not, but you understand my frustration. 

While the virtual race comes complete with printable finish line, finishers tape, shirt, and medal I’m pretty sure it’s not the same.  They also said all qualifiers from 2018 can register in September for 2021 but I’m not clear on if that is in addition to the virtual race or instead of. I do know that you will go through the same process as the original registration…waiting with fingers crossed, hoping your registration is accepted. 

I want to experience this! (from Google images)

Like most things in life, there are some positives to be found in this crappy situation.

Silver lining:

  1.  Almost all the same runners that registered for 2020 will be registering for 2021 because there have been very few qualifying races so far this year and it’s already June.  So my chances are nearly (virtually) the same as last time. πŸ™‚
  2. If the race wasn’t cancelled, what was the spectator situation going to be like? Were people going to be allowed to gather to watch and cheer? It was a valid concern of mine but now it’s a non-issue. 
  3.  I’m still going to Boston for a family vacation. And who knows, maybe there will be a group of runners that want to run the course “virtually”. If I can run it virtually and still run next year than that might be an option.
  4.  I still can say I qualified for Boston and no one can take that away from me. 

A few bummer things (because you know there are some):

  1. If I do get in for 2021 it will probably be just me and my husband going. I can’t expect the whole family to make a second trip to Boston just 7 months later. 
  2.  How many times can a person train for their “last” marathon? 
  3.  What do I do with my 2020 jacket? I’m going to try to return it but who knows if they will take it back. I can’t wear a jacket for a race I didn’t run. BQ or no BQ. πŸ™

Would you want to run the Boston marathon virtually? What about the jacket? Would you wear it? 

Thanks for reading!


I’m linking with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics and Debbie, Deborah, Rachel, Lisa, Jen and Sandra for Runners’ Roundup.

tuesdays topics


  1. Kim at Running on the Fly | 2nd Jun 20

    That’s a tough dilemma with the jacket…I’d keep it, just for the novelty of it. After all, you did BQ. If there was a way to run the Boston course, like you mentioned, I’d go for that…then you at least would have the memory of running Boston (albeit not on race day, etc.). Hugs to you…such a heart-breaking turn of events…

    • Denise | 2nd Jun 20

      If I can run “virtually” and run in 2021 then I’ll seriously consider the virtual race and keep the jacket. Thanks for your support!

  2. Lisa | 2nd Jun 20

    I’m so sorry the race was cancelled. I hope you can run in 2021! I dont think I would be up for a virtual marathon. I give alot of credit to anyone who can run that far on their own!

    • Denise | 2nd Jun 20

      Thanks! I’m really hoping to run in 2021 too. Seriously, 26.2 miles is a long run on your own.

  3. Darlene | 2nd Jun 20

    This totally sucks!!

    I could not run a marathon virtually. Part of the experience is the other runners and the crowd support.

    I hope you do run it in 2021. GL if you do it virtually.

    I hesitated signing up for NYC this year.Now I am glad that I did not.

    • Denise | 2nd Jun 20

      Yeah it was probably a good choice not to sign up for NYC. I doubt I’ll run virtually, but never say never. Right?

  4. Marcia | 3rd Jun 20

    It escapes me why Boston of all races would offer a virtual option. Who besides nobody would choose the virtual option? Wait, you have to “hope” to get a 2021 spot?? That seems all kinds of wrong to me. 2021 should be a do-over. I think I’d keep the jacket. It’s got quite a story behind it. I’m so sorry this year has ruined your plans.

    • Denise | 3rd Jun 20

      I could be wrong but that’s how I understood it. The registration process will be the same. There is more info to come so maybe they will rethink that.
      Thanks Marcia.

  5. Catrina | 3rd Jun 20

    I just raced a virtual 5k. All my other virtual races were quite relaxed. I could imagine properly racing a virtual marathon!
    I’m happy you BQ’d. You are right, nobody can take that away from you.
    And WEAR the jacket! You earned it with your BQ!

    • Denise | 3rd Jun 20

      I might wear the jacket. A lot of people saying wear the jacket. Maybe I’ll wear it when I’m in Boston.
      Thanks for reading Catrina!

  6. Deborah Brooks | 3rd Jun 20

    I can definitely understand your frustration. I would say that qualifying for Boston is the real achievement (silver lining).That’s where most of the hard work was really done in my opinion and that can never be taken away from you. Would I run a virtual full marathon? Probably not. Would I keep the jacket? Yes definitely. It’s a memento of this crazy time we are in. You earned it! I do hope you get to run it next year and it will mean even more to you when you do. thanks for linking up

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      I agree that qualifying is the big achievement. Thanks for your perspective on why I should keep the jacket. I think I will. πŸ™‚
      I sure hope I get to run next year too. Thanks Deborah!

  7. Chocolaterunsjudy | 3rd Jun 20

    I’m so sorry. It’s tough!

    I once walked a half with a friend, because she was injured & I’d already done the race once. I wear that race tee — occasionally. OTOH, qualifying IS a big deal. Only you know what feels right to you.

    You never know, after all this craziness, your family might be up for another trip to Boston!

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      You deserve to wear that tee! I think walking and entire half is much harder than running or run/walking it.
      My daughter already said she wants to go to Boston next year too if I run. πŸ™‚

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 11th Jun 20

        Yes, walking a half (when you didn’t train to walk it) was surprisingly tough. I do wear the tee sometimes.

        How great that your daughter wants to support you at Boston!

  8. Rachel (@running_onhappy) | 3rd Jun 20

    I would for sure NOT do Boston virtually. Boston is Boston for a reason. But heck yes to the jacket!!!

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      I totally agree Rachel! Thanks for making me feel better about the jacket.

  9. kookyrunner | 3rd Jun 20

    I don’t think that I could do Boston, or any marathon, virtually. I’m a slower runner so thats a really long time for me to run solo with no crowd support.

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      I tried telling myself that it’s only 6 (.2) more miles than my long 20 mile training run, but then I remembered how hard (and sometimes miserable) those long runs can be. Ugh!

  10. runswithpugs | 3rd Jun 20

    This has to be so hard. It’s bad enough to lose out on a race, but especially so for one you have to qualify for, with such narrow margins and with such meaning.

    I hope things clarify in the next weeks and months, and I do hope you are able to cross the real finish line in 2021. <3

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      I’m trying to hold on to the fact that I at least qualified and not everyone can say that. But I sure want to cross that finish line! Thanks for your support!

  11. Wendy | 5th Jun 20

    When I read the news about Boston being canceled, my heart sunk. And I wasn’t even a qualifier!!! I sure hope you are able to run it next year. What a terrible time we are living in right now.

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      That just goes to show how big your heart is! Thanks Wendy!

  12. Sandra Laflamme (@organicrunmom) | 5th Jun 20

    How very frustrating. I know Boston would not be the same done virtually. I hope you get to run in 2021!

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      It is frustrating. No marathon would be the same virtually, but Boston is its own beast. Runners go there for the whole experience. Thanks Sandra!

  13. Zenaida Arroyo | 6th Jun 20

    Bummer about the race cancellation. Definitely be proud of your BQ! You worked hard for it and earned it! Yes, keep and wear the jacket. I don’t think I could run a virtual marathon. It is a long distance and honestly run 26.2 miles for what? Just to say that you did? I’ve run shorter virtual races (5K, 8K, and 10K) and personally not even a half sounds appealing.

    Thank you for linking up with us!

    • Denise | 9th Jun 20

      Well it looks like the consensus is to wear the jacket. I’ll wait until I’m in Boston to wear it.
      All virtual runs are hard, but yeah, a half or a full is especially hard to get behind.

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