Two Weeks On The Down Low: What I Learned

I really learned some things about myself after two weeks of laying low. No I did not have COVID, thank goodness, but I did have shingles. I won’t go into the gore details but let me just say it was the most awful, painful thing I have ever been through. Get a varicella vaccine! I had it around my left eye, forehead and scalp and it’s been almost 4 weeks and still have numbness, tingling and burning pain. It’s mostly just irritating and annoying now. 

Anyhow,  I’m telling you this because as fellow runners most of you have had to lay low for one reason or another and can probably relate. This however, was a whole new kind of low. I started with symptoms the week before Christmas and spent most of it in bed dozing on and off due to pain meds and overall feeling shitty. Here’s what happens when this runner is down.

5 Lessons Learned When Grounded

  1. Online shopping is way too easy.  Yes I know we all shop online because it’s so easy but when you have nothing else to do but look at your phone, hitting that Buy Now button is so easy. Let’s just suffice it to say I have a lot of new InknBurn clothes on their way. 
  2. Don’t shop online while on pain meds. This goes with number one but I thought it deserved its own category. It’s like drunk shopping…I don’t drink that much so this was new to me. I now am a proud owner of a fancy incense burner, but wait…I didn’t stop there, I also purchased the extra incense for a grand total of $70. Say what? My husband was like “What the heck?” Back in the day I bought incense for a couple dollars and put them on a cute little dish. Apparently I’ve moving on up.  That was just one of MANY purchases I made. (The Loft will be sending me a Christmas card this year.)

    Incense burner
    To relieve stress after over spending.
  3. I missed running. Obviously you say, but considering I’m not training for anything I didn’t think being grounded would bother me so much. On the second week I ventured out to Dick’s and Target for some stocking stuffers (don’t you love Dick’s cabin socks with their buy one get two free? !) and saw a few people out running…”I want to run.” 🙁  
    Can’t run. Sad kitty
    *Google images**


  4. I missed work. Welll, I didn’t exactly miss work but I felt guilty not being there to help during the madness. Some of you may know that I am a nurse and work in a large Emergency Department. While I was out they had some crazy busy days with some critically sick COVID patients being held for long hours in the ED because the ICU’s were full. On one hand I was glad to not be there and actually anxious about going back, but on the other hand I wanted to help my work family. It was a very stressful time. Work stress
  5. If you don’t move it you lose it. I say this all the time, but dang, it sure is true. I still feel weak. My runs feel okay but what little upper body strength I had is back to ground zero. It really makes one think about how important it is to do strength training, especially as we age. I don’t want to be that weak little old lady that falls and can’t get up. It’s so important to stay strong!

Well that about sums it up. Thanks for reading. I’m linking with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesdays Topics. Please take a minute to visit them and a few others and share the love. 

tuesdays topics

I’m also linking with Runner’s Roundup and with Coach Debbie, Laura Norris Running, Runs With Pugs, Mile by Mile,   Confessions of a Mother Runner 

BTW, I’ve brought back Music Monday. Check it out here and come back next Monday for another song to add to your playlist.

Keep running my friends and stay strong!



  1. runswithpugs | 12th Jan 21


    Oh, no! I hope you are feeling so much better. I’ve heard that HURTS.

    I can totally relate to all of this. While I was laid up with my leg, I missed running, focusing, and I did lose a lot of strength and endurance.

    On the plus side, I was recuperating upstairs, and my wallet was downstairs. I could have done a lot of damage if I had my CC number memorized, or if I somehow got my hands on it while on the “good” meds.

    • Denise | 12th Jan 21

      That is a great strategy to curb online shopping. Lol! Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you want to look at it) there was nothing wrong with my legs so I could go get my CC at almost any time. As a matter of fact, I kept it by my bed. 😉

      • Darlene | 13th Jan 21

        I have mine memorized lol

        • Denise | 13th Jan 21

          That’s dangerous. Lol

          • Darlene | 13th Jan 21


  2. Chocolaterunsjudy | 12th Jan 21

    I am SO sorry you went through this. I haven’t been feeling well the last couple of weeks, but really, it’s mostly just overall fatigue

    The only good thing about the strength is that you’ll get it back.

    My husband would not be happy with me shopping MORE, LOL!

    Here’s to feeling 100% soon!

    • Denise | 12th Jan 21

      Thanks so much Judy! Yeah my husband doesn’t say much but after the 3rd or 4th package he was like “What did you do?” Hahaha.
      Hope you feel better soon. We’ve all been taking Vit C, Vit D3, Zinc and Quercetin in hopes to ward off COVID.

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 14th Jan 21

        With my husband home, he gets to see all the packages now. But he gets more than me!

        • Denise | 14th Jan 21

          Sometimes I have my daughter intercept them. But really my husband doesn’t care. Probably because he too gets more than me. Usually. Lol

  3. Catrina | 12th Jan 21

    That sounds painful, Denise! So good to hear you are better now.
    Your last point on losing strength resonates with me. As your experience shows, if you miss 2 weeks, you notice a considerable difference, especially as we age (I’m 52).
    The good news is: you can always regain the muscles. All the best with the build-up!

    • Denise | 12th Jan 21

      So true, I will regain my strength. Thanks for your support Catrina.

  4. deborahbrooks14 | 12th Jan 21

    I am glad that you are feeling better. Yes Shingles is bad! My sister had it. Take it easy on the build up I am sure you will be back to normal in a few weeks.

    • Denise | 12th Jan 21

      Thanks Deborah. Sorry to hear that your sister had shingles. My sister went and got the vaccine the day after I got them. I could be a spokes person for the vaccine now, lol.

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly | 12th Jan 21

    Oh, Denise! I’m glad you’re feeling better!!! Ironically, the hubs and I just got dose-1 of the shingles vax last Friday (our lunch date LOL). I’d been putting that off far too long, and am glad I’m “halfway there.” I have chronically dry and sensitive skin, so I’d be in a major world of hurt if I had a shingles outbreak. I bet you’ll get your fitness back to where it had been prior…much faster than you anticipate. ((hugs))

    • Denise | 12th Jan 21

      Thanks Kim! I’m so glad to hear that you both had your first vaccine. This really has opened my eye to keeping up on my preventative health care.

  6. Zenaida Arroyo | 13th Jan 21

    Oh wow! Shingles sound so painful. Glad you are feeling better. Online shopping would definitely make me feel better!!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    • Denise | 13th Jan 21

      Thanks Zenaida, It was painful but yes, I am better. Thanks for the link up!

  7. Wendy | 13th Jan 21

    Glad you’re on the mend! I got the first dose of the shingles vaccine in 2019 and had that infamous RA flare that lasted most of the year. On the advice of my IM doc and rheumatologist, I won’t be getting the second dose. I wouldn’t wish shingles on anyone.

    • Denise | 13th Jan 21

      Hopefully that one dose is better than nothing. I too wouldn’t wish shingles on anyone.

  8. Darlene | 13th Jan 21

    That sounds awful. I know many people who have turned 50 and never got the shot(s). I don’t know why. You are proof that it’s a terrible thing to get.

    Yes, I did get mine.

    Glad you are better. And I agree with all of those things that you mentioned. I try to stay away from online shopping as much as possible. It’s too easy to click. And if I miss a few days of running, I feel like I never ran before.

    • Denise | 13th Jan 21

      I’m glad you got yours. I’ve been spreading the word. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone!
      Yes, way too easy to click! Hahaha

  9. Lisa | 13th Jan 21

    I’m so sorry you had shingles! That sounds terrible. I could totally see how easy it would be do shop online while sick. And while on pain meds…yikes thats scary lol! Glad you are on the mend!

    • Denise | 13th Jan 21

      I could’ve had better use of my time, like blogging. 😉 But I wasn’t thinking clearly, who knows what I would’ve written. 🙂

  10. Walk The Land | 13th Jan 21

    I agree with the shopping part – I’ve spent so much during lockdown, eat so much too. Luckily my running has burned off the excess calories.

    • Denise | 13th Jan 21

      Fortunately the first week I didn’t feel like eating, but I wasn’t burning any calories either. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. Debbie | 15th Jan 21

    Poor baby! I’ve never had shingles but I know people who have. It’s terrible. I really need to get that shot!

    • Denise | 15th Jan 21

      Yes. Get the shot! You don’t want to get shingles.

  12. Shathiso | 15th Jan 21

    Gosh, so sorry you’ve been unwell! I had to laugh though at all the purchases you made while down and out! Haha! You’re so right about losing it when you don’t move it. That always surprises me when I’ve not been running or working out even if its a short while. We lose it so quickly. But good thing is it usually comes back as soon as we start up again! Hope you’re soon feeling 100% normal.

    • Denise | 18th Jan 21

      Sometimes I feel like these things happen as a reminder of how important it is to be strong and healthy. Thanks for your support!

  13. Laura Norris Running | 18th Jan 21

    I’m sorry you had shingles! That sounds awful. I hope you make a smooth recovery.

    • Denise | 18th Jan 21

      Thanks Laura. I am slowly getting back to normal.

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