The Ironic Runner


Running can appear so straight forward, especially to a non-runner. I mean think about it. When you first started running or maybe you were thinking about becoming a runner, what were your first thoughts? 

I’m going to take up running because it’s inexpensive (I’ll only need a pair of running shoes, and maybe some shorts…), it’s simple…just one foot in front of the other, and I’ll be able to eat all the carbs I want. 

Little did we know. It might start out that way but ironically, running is much more the a pair of shoes and carb loading.

Inexpensive you say?

HA! Sure you want to start off as cheap as possible until you’re sure you want to be a runner, but then things quickly add up. You got your shoes (which turned out to be quite expensive btw) then you realized you will also need shorts (or tights/capris) and a top…tank, short sleeves, long sleeves.., (and there are so many colors and styles 😉 ).., moisture wicking socks, underwear and sport bras. hats, sunglasses and  jackets, gloves and vests for those cold runs.

Alrighty, now you have your outfit, but there are gadgets and extras you find you need (want).

GPS watches, sport ear buds, waist packs and hydration vests. Let’s not even talk about the foam roller that someone said you should have but will hardly ever use. Yes we can run with the bare minimum but ironically most of us who started with the thought of a cheap activity will buy most, if not all of the things.

Let’s not forget race registration fees. Wait what? I need to pay to run? Well, no, but it is more fun being part of a racing event. So then yes. Lol. Oh the irony.

*Google images

And then there is fuel for the long runs. Gels, blocks, sports beans and so on. Which leads me to the all carbs, all day.

Eating all the carbs?

I didn’t start running so I could eat more carbs (I wanted a healthy heart) but over time it did seem like a nice perk. Back then it really was all about eating carbs, but now we know how important protein is for muscle repair and fats for brain function and vitamin absorption. We still need complex carbohydrates for fuel and simple carbs during hard efforts but a balanced diet makes for a better runner. And of course there’s “calories in, energy out”. We mustn’t eat more than we burn. So while I run a lot, I still don’t eat whatever I want (which sometimes is all the carbs). Oh the irony.

*Google images

Simple as one foot in front of the other.

I am guilty of telling new runners not to worry about breathing and gait in the beginning, just relax and run. But that advice will only take you so far, eventually you do need to think about breathing, form and stride to see improvement. Then there’s different training plans that can be followed that might include hill repeats, strides, fartleks, progression runs and track workouts. Some of these training plans can get quite complicated. You might even have to do math to figure out 5k, 10k or marathon pace.  You see it’s not always simply one foot in front of the other. Oh the irony.

*Google images

Let’s talk about knees.

When I started running 30 something years ago family and friends said “Be careful you don’t ruin your knees.” Well all these years later my knees are just fine and ironically my husband is the one who needed a knee replacement. Hmmm. A body in motion stays in motion. Usually. Yes there are runners out there that can no longer run because of a bad knee but would they have had knee problems regardless of running? I believe overuse is a real issue and that is why you need to listen to your body. When something hurts, back off. To quote Kenny Rogers…know when to walk (away), and know when to run… 😉

I feel like I just wrote a post to discourage people from taking up running but you all know I wish everyone would run and can’t understand why more people don’t. 

Is running what you originally thought it was? Are there some ironies I forgot?

I am linking with Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Mile by Mile, Runs with Pugs , and Laura Norris Running for Runners’ Roundup. 

Thanks for reading!



  1. Lisa | 17th Feb 21

    I think there are alot of misconceptions about running. I bet some people start of for one reason but it changes as they do it more. I used to have lots of people tell me it was bad for my knees but luckily i haven’t heard that in awhile.

    • Denise | 17th Feb 21

      I agree. My reasons have changed many times over the years.

  2. deborahbrooks14 | 17th Feb 21

    I don’t know how many people have asked me if I am worried about my knees! Nope-but perhaps they should worry about theirs. Running is definitely not a simple sport but is life changing

    • Denise | 17th Feb 21

      Running is definitely life changing. Another reason I don’t understand why more people don’t try it.

  3. Catrina | 17th Feb 21

    Haha, Denise, this is good!
    I’m started running because it’s an inexpensive way to stay fit. Ha! That didn’t last long.
    Destination races proved to be my undoing…. literally thousands of dollars. But of course, it was worth it. 😉

    (btw the carb image isn’t showing up for me – maybe only me?)

    • Denise | 18th Feb 21

      I added up my running expenses one year…woah! That was the last time I added it all up…better not to know. Lol.
      Thanks for letting me know about the image, I was having an issue adding images but I thought that one went through.

      • Catrina | 18th Feb 21

        I just checked – all the images are up and running! 😉

  4. Darlene | 18th Feb 21

    Ha ha. These are all true. My knees are fine.

    I didn’t realize that running was so social. And how many wonderful women I’ve met since I became a runner.

    • Denise | 18th Feb 21

      I agree! I love the camaraderie runners have. And all the runners that I have “met” through blogging.

  5. Jenny | 18th Feb 21

    Oh god, the knee thing! Where in the world did that come from? There have actually been studies that show running is GOOD for your knees. Yes, running somehow starts out cheap and simple but doesn’t stay that way, does it?

    • Denise | 18th Feb 21

      I guess the knee thing is like saying reading is bad for your eyes.
      The money I have spent in running over the years has most definitely added up 😉

  6. runswithpugs | 18th Feb 21

    I remember getting ready for that first run and buying the wrong shoes and the wrong socks, and being HORRIFIED at what good socks actually cost because I HATE socks. Now, I can’t imagine a world without it.

    My knees are just fine.

    I love the community of running. I never realized I would find my home in this sport.

    • Denise | 18th Feb 21

      Good socks are so expensive and I’m a little picky on how my socks fit and feel.
      I love the running community too!

  7. Laura Norris Running | 18th Feb 21

    People always warn me about knees and running, but I’ve never had a problem. If anything, it’s use it or lose it – bodies were made to move!

    • Denise | 18th Feb 21

      I couldn’t agree more!

  8. Marcia | 19th Feb 21

    Many of my FB friends who are younger than me and less active are complaining about bad knees, arthritis, getting knee replacements, hip replacements, shoulder reconstruction…isn’t it ironic? When I started running more seriously in my 30s it was for heart health as well.

    • Denise | 19th Feb 21

      It just reiterates the fact that a body in motion stays in motion.

  9. Shathiso | 19th Feb 21

    Haha! This is great! I was told its the cheapest sport around, LOL! Four years later… and I don’t think there’s any hobby I’ve spent more money on!

    • Denise | 19th Feb 21


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