Runfessions: March Edition


It is the end of March which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. It’s a perfect time to rid my soles of bad ju ju and move forward with good vibes for Spring.  So let’s get to it.


I runfess that with less running and more Netflix and HBO Max my middle is getting thick. I still fit into my jeans but with a little spillage over the sides. Sigh. I’ve been the same size for as long as I can remember and refuse to succumb to the “middle age spread”. I’m a firm believer that age has nothing to do with weight gain, it is life style and food choices. My lack of movement is to blame and will be remedied ASAP. 

*Google images

Having said that I must runfess that I am addicted to Call The Midwife. It’s a Netflix series that takes place in London in 1957, written from memoirs of a midwife. It’s a refreshing break from GOT. I don’t know if I like it because I’m a nurse but it’s interesting to see how nursing and medicine has evolved since 1957. It’s a feel good show and I highly recommend it. 

*Google images

 And lastly, Vacation Races is putting on a wine country adventure that I runfess, I really want to do. It is a 3 day all inclusive event in which you do a trail run each morning then wine tasting in the afternoon. Sounds like a perfect runcation to me! Unfortunately it’s not cheap and not my hubby’s thing so there would be a lot of convincing to get him to agree to this.  If anyone is interested give me a heads up and I’ll start nagging  talking to the hubby. 😉 

Views of the wine country of Santa Barbara county. Solvang, CA

Your turn. What do you have to runfess?

Are you guilty of watching Netflix for longer than you really should? 🙂 Are there any runcations you want to do but know they are out of your price range? Doesn’t that wine country adventure sound like fun!?

Thanks for reading!



  1. Lisa @ Mile by Mile | 26th Mar 21

    The wine country race does sound like fun! But not really practical for this stage in my life. Once we do travel again, it will be to kid friendly places.

    • Denise | 26th Mar 21

      Kid friendly vacations are fun too. There will always be more races.

  2. Chocolaterunsjudy | 26th Mar 21

    The wine country is beautiful. I know Deborah loves it there. 🙂 I don’t do drink, though, — although my husband does, still, I don’t think he’d really be that interested in it. I bet you have fun if you do it!

    Age definitely does effect weight — but other things do, too. Genetics, for instance. Activity, as you pointed out. I can’t say it’s been easy maintaining my weight in the Pandemic, but i was doing pretty good until about a month ago. Despite less activity than normal. I can tell you for sure it’s more about what you eat than how active you are, although obviously I do think being active is very important, too, obviously.

    I know I will get rid of the few extra pounds at some point, but right now they are not making me feel good.

    • Denise | 26th Mar 21

      I think I’m in denial about age and weight gain. I’m sure it’s a metabolism thing. I’ve never really had to watch what I eat but I am now!

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 27th Mar 21

        We can’t completely gain weight gain on age, but it’s definitely a factor. I’ve a,ways had to watch what I eat & more & more the older I get!

  3. deborahbrooks14 | 26th Mar 21

    I do love it in Cali Judy is right! I’ve done a few races there. I am actually doing a run tour there in June w a friend will be chatting about it over coffee next week. You should do it! I totally changed my diet this past year and it’s made a world of difference for me.

    • Denise | 26th Mar 21

      I look forward to what you have to say about the run tour. It sounds like fun. It looks looks I am headed towards a diet change as well.

  4. Marcia | 26th Mar 21

    That vacation race looks wonderful and I don’t even drink! Do you think my hubby would like Call the Midwife? We’re watching the new season of Shtisel and then we’ll be looking for something else to watch. We watch one Netflix show per night. So far there’s no pandemic spread here.

    • Denise | 26th Mar 21

      My husband watches Call the Midwife with me although he gags every time they deliver a baby. It looks so real.
      Good to hear that you have managed to avoid the pandemic spread. 😉

  5. Laurie | 26th Mar 21

    Yeah, I had to make changes to my diet when middle age spread hit. Before that, I was always the same weight with no big effort. Your metabolism slows down as you age and it gets tougher to run off the cookies and ice cream.

    That wind country adventure sounds awesome! We did one of their races in wine country in CA. It was so much fun!

    • Denise | 26th Mar 21

      I’ve done several wine country races throughout CA but never a 3 day trail race adventure.

  6. Kim at Running on the Fly | 26th Mar 21

    Ooooh, that wine country ordeal looks fun! I don’t drink much, but an occasional glass of wine would be fun (especially if there’s running involved 😉 I just finished Grace and Frankie, and have heard a lot of good feedback on the Midwife. I’ll have to check that out!

    • Denise | 26th Mar 21

      I don’t really drink much either but running then wine tasting sounds perfect. I loved Grace and Frankie. That house was amazing! And what a location!

  7. Zenaida Arroyo | 26th Mar 21

    That wine country adventure sounds lovely! Do it!! There are so many shows on Netflix and not enough time. I just finished watching again Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. So good. Now I started watching again the original Gilmore Girls.

  8. pie | 27th Mar 21

    we have watched soooooo much Netflix. It’s kind of insane. we are not TV watchers at all but the pandemic has forced us to stay in all the time. We are finally watching Peaky Blinders after a half-hearted attempt years ago and I LOVE it.

    I would definitely do the wine country adventure! and i’m not.a trail runner. But it sounds pretty appealing!

    • Denise | 27th Mar 21

      There’s so much to choose from on Netflix.
      It does sound appealing doesn’t it. 😍

  9. Lacey@fairytalesandfitness | 27th Mar 21

    I just did a Napa tour and it was lovely. Incorporating running in the mix would make me feel less guilty having all that wine. A trip that would involve both would be awesome.

  10. runswithpugs | 28th Mar 21

    Ohhhhh, that wine race sounds amazing!

    I don’t watch TV very often. I may have it on for background noise, but I’m not super invested in much. We are watching Snowpiercer and The Falcon and Winter Solider, but those are released a week at a time, so no binging or getting lost in a bunch of episodes.

    • Denise | 29th Mar 21

      We got sucked in when my husband had his partial knee replacement and had to keep his leg elevated.
      I think I’m going to end up doing my own version of that wine race. 😊

  11. Darlene | 31st Mar 21

    OMG that wine vacation sounds absolutely perfect. I love wine, I love trails. Sign me up. lol

    I do think age is a factor in how you look. I’ve never watched what I ate but now if I gain weight, it’s in the wrong places.

    Call the Midwife was one of my favorites shows. I watched it from beginning on regular TV.

    Yes, you can sucked into Netflix. I have binge watched a few. But I try to walk in the evening now that it’s light out instead of TV. It was a factor before DST.

    • Denise | 31st Mar 21

      I’m probably going to do a wine tasting weekend that involves running on my own. I just can’t justify spending that much money.
      I think I’m in denial about the age thing.
      Call the Midwife is such a feel good show. I could watch a little every day. 🙂

      • Darlene | 31st Mar 21

        Good idea about the wine tasting.

        I just love the characters on the show.

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