Healthy Living: A Lifestyle, Not A New Years Resolution

A new year and new decade is upon us. Are you making any changes or stepping up the healthy life you already live? So many of us use January as a kick-start month after a holiday season of poor food choices, skipped workouts and stress filled days. It does seem like the perfect time to reboot a sluggish routine. I’ve come up with a few ways for real people like you and me to start off the new year healthy.

  • Eat Less Meat

For my meat eating friends out there (myself included) it’s time to step away from the ribeye. I’m going into this new year eating a more plant based diet. After watching Game Changers (Netflix) I realized I don’t need meat to get my protein. If you haven’t watched it yet you might want to. While it may be biased there still is a lot of truth in the benefits of eating plant based. Start with one or two meals a week and see where it takes you. Now to convince my husband. πŸ˜‰

  • Drink More Water 

If you’re not carrying a water bottle everywhere you go than you’re not drinking enough water. Everyone by now should have a reusable water bottle. There are so many varieties on the market to choose from, so find one you like and use it. I just bought a Hydro Flask  on sale at REI for my sister who is still using disposable plastic bottles. Good grief, are you really my sister? (JK sis, I love you!)

  • Explore The Outdoors

Find a new trail to hike, neighborhood to walk or city to explore. Just get outside and move.  Instead of meeting a friend for lunch meet for a walk at the beach, park or window shop. Saves money and calories. So get outside and move. You’ll be glad you did.

  • Walk

Go for a walk before or after dinner. My husband and I decided to eat earlier so we have time to walk after dinner instead of sitting on the couch watching TV. “They” say sitting is the new smoking. Netflix will be the death of us, so walk when you can. Walk on one of your breaks at work (take a healthy snack if you’re hungry like me). Walk to the store or park further away and walk. If you have a desk job, get up periodically and walk around the office (set a reminder on your phone).

  • Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for recovery, so make sure you’re sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night. Go to bed and get up roughly the same time everyday for the best rest. Also, you cant catch up on sleep. Another words if you only slept 5 hours one night, sleeping 11 hours the next night doesn’t help. Take a power nap (15 or 20 mins) if possible, then go back to your regular schedule.

  • Exercise

This is a running blog after all. I think everyone should run, even if it’s just a mile or two, but I get that not everyone wants to run. So walk, ride a bike, go to CrossFit, do Pilates or Yoga, swim, plank, lift weights. Do something. There is so much to choose from. No excuses! Start with 15 or 20 minutes three times a week. It’s so doable. 

  • Take Time For You

Get a massage or facial once a month. It helps de-stress which can only be good for you. Learn to play that instrument you’ve always wanted to play. Visit with family (or not) or friends. Sit outside in the sun and read. Find what makes you happy and take the time to do it. You deserve it after doing all the healthy stuff above. πŸ˜‰

Healthy living is a lifestyle, not a New Years resolution. We all have set backs now and then but get back on track and live the best life you can live. 

Do you make New Years resolutions? Is there anything you are changing or adding for the new year?

Thanks for reading!



  1. Deborah Brooks | 6th Jan 20

    I agree about Netflix really encouraging the couch potato life! Happy to read that you are going to be adopting more plant based meals in 2020

    • Denise | 7th Jan 20

      I could probably live without meat but my husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy and he does most of the cooking.

  2. Kim at Running on the Fly | 7th Jan 20

    We inherited my sis-in-law’s elliptical last year (when she decided it was just collecting dust in her house), and it’s planted in our basement. So, I watch most of my Netflix while moving and grooving on the elliptical. I’m not good at sitting still, so the elliptical is a perfect non-sitting option πŸ™‚

    • Denise | 7th Jan 20

      Sounds like something I need to look into. I’m thinking I need a trainer for my bike so I can pedal while I watch Netflix.
      I think it’s pretty obvious you don’t sit still. πŸ˜‰

  3. Wendy | 7th Jan 20

    I’ve gradually changed my diet so that I am now about 80% plant based. I’ve been feeling fantastic for the last couple of months. Over the holidays, I wasn’t as diligent about my diet and my RA symptoms interestingly increased a bit. Not badly and I’m back on track. We all do the best we can, but I definitely learned how much diet affects how I feel!

    • Denise | 7th Jan 20

      Does your husband eat the same as you? I’m having trouble getting my husband to change his eating habits. Either way I’m going to focus on plant based meals and hope he joins me.

  4. Chocolaterunsjudy | 10th Jan 20

    I’ve leaned towards vegetarian for many years. Even though I like meat, I wouldn’t eat it if it weren’t for my husband.

    You can find me pacing around my house often (harder to get out for frequent walks in the Winter!), although I can tell you I still sit too much.

    BTW, the beyond burger & sausage, while pricey and higher in fat than I’d like, are still tasty — and my husband will eat them. We don’t have them often, but I really try to make sure he has at least one meatless meal a week, and I also try to make sure he’s not eating as much red meat as he’d like to.

    • Denise | 11th Jan 20

      I will look into the beyond burger. We usually have turkey burgers and substitute ground turkey for ground beef in recipes and while that is the healthier choice it’s still not plant based. Baby steps. πŸ™‚

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 11th Jan 20

        I’ll not usually much in favor of meat like veggie stuff, some don’t use great ingredients. Beyond burgers are better than some. I also do really like Dr. Praegers veggie burgers β€” some don’t have a lot of protein, but some do, so you have to read labels. Then again, I like veggie burgers. 😊

        • Denise | 12th Jan 20

          We’ve had veggie burgers before but I don’t remember the brand.
          I always read labels.

  5. Marcia | 11th Jan 20

    I runfess I’m alarmed by how much meat is on the AIP diet. It’s way more than I’d normally consume. But it’s only for 6 weeks and then, fingers crossed, I can resume eating more plant-based protein sources.

    • Denise | 12th Jan 20

      I’ve been researching recipes for plant-based meals and I don’t see my husband agreeing to this. We’re going to have to start slow.
      Fingers crossed for you. πŸ™‚

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