Coffee Talk: April 2022

Yay for getting together for coffee and a big thank you to Coco and Deborah for hosting this virtual coffee date. Even though I don’t always join in the fun it is one of my favorite posts to write. So pour a cup and and let’s talk. I’m still drinking Fabula (which reminds me, I need to order more) with GLC and cinnamon oat milk. 

Over coffee I would tell you that we had some rough days this week with my old German Shepherd Sadie. She had a couple of days where she had trouble getting up and keeping her back legs under her. We actually had to hand feed her so she would eat. It was very hard seeing her like that and I started stressing about this maybe being her last days. My daughter rearranged her work schedule so she could be with her (of course I had to work 3 days in a row, something I rarely do) and then set up a camera for when we are not home so we could see if she was getting up to go outside and then making it back in the house. Fortunately she seems back to normal (for her) now but I know 14 years is old for GSD so I am cherishing every day with her. 

Over coffee I would say that I haven’t forgotten about my word for 2022, mobility. I have been going to Pilates every week and doing a little Yoga at home occasionally, so yay! And while I haven’t mobilized out of my current job I have been researching other possibilities. I would really like to focus on health and wellness rather than the chronically ill that I see now. A remote job would be ideal for when we start RV’ing around the U.S. Any suggestions?

*Google images 

And finally over coffee I would tell you how I signed my husband up for a personal trainer and gym membership and he has been going faithfully 2 or 3 times a week. According to his last weigh in he has lost 12 lbs! I’ve been going to the gym with him and using the machines so it’s a win win. I attempted a Zumba class but it was no big surprise that I have no rhythm and I am completely uncoordinated so it was a big fail. Lol. There’s a reason I’m a runner.

That’s all for now. Your turn. What is happening in your neck of the woods?

Have you ever tried Zumba? 

Thanks for reading.



  1. deborahbrooks14 | 1st Apr 22

    sorry your pup has been having a rough time! Mobility is definitely important to stay on top of. Thanks for joining for coffee.

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      Thanks about Sadie. Mobility gets more important as I get older.

  2. Wendy | 1st Apr 22

    That is old for a German Shepherd. I only thought you had Lola. Poor baby. Hang in there!

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      Thanks Wendy. She is an old girl.

  3. Kimberly Hatting | 1st Apr 22

    I had to laugh at your Zumba talk. I did a 5K, once, and there was a Zumba instructor leading the warmup. Somehow, everyone crowded around behind me…and it was a disaster, LOL. There’s a reason I’m a runner, too 🙂

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      Hahaha. It looks so fun too.

  4. Coco | 1st Apr 22

    Oh, poor Sadie, I hope he’s feeling better. Great idea on the camera. LOL on not having mobilized out of your job yet. #goals I think I did Zumba at a Fitbloggin conference back in the day. I don’t have rhythm either!

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      Sadie is much better. Thanks.

  5. LoseWeightWithAng | 2nd Apr 22

    I tried Zumba and found out I have terrible co-ordination. I figured it’s not for me. I wish all the best for your pup 💙

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      Thanks, Sadie is hanging in there.
      Running is so much easier.

  6. Marcia | 2nd Apr 22

    Sorry to hear about Sadie. Those later years can be tough. Hugs to you. What great commitment on your hubby’s part so far. 12 pounds is great! A remote gig while you travel sounds fabulous!

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      Thanks Marcia.
      So proud of my hubby.

  7. Chocolaterunsjudy | 2nd Apr 22

    I’m so sorry Sadie had some rough days, but happy to hear that she rallied. I have been there, done that too many times and it hurts to see them like that.

    That’s amazing how dedicated your husband is being! I just wish I could motivate mine off the couch more.

    I liked Zumba! It’s been years since I did it, but I enjoyed it for a while. And trust me — while I do have rhythm, I’m a terrible dancer. It’s not about how good you are!

    • Denise | 2nd Apr 22

      It took a knee replacement and PT to get him motivated. Hopefully it is now a lifestyle change. 🤞🏻
      I know it’s not about how good you are but I feel ridiculous. Lol

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 3rd Apr 22

        Well, there are worse wake up calls than a knee replacement! They’re so common these days it’s amazing anyone gets through security at airports, LOL! Be happy that it seems to have set him on the right path.

        • Denise | 3rd Apr 22

          Absolutely! My sister in law is getting a heart stent tomorrow, so there’s that. My husband feels good that he is eating right and exercising.

          • Chocolaterunsjudy | 3rd Apr 22

            Hoping everything goes well for your SIL. No reason it shouldn’t, it seems
            Ike a pretty standard procedure these days.

  8. Shathiso | 2nd Apr 22

    We said goodbye to our Coco a few months ago. He was 17 years old and I think the hardest thing for me was seeing him struggle towards the end. It’s not easy to see them in their older years but keep doing what you’re doing and cherishing all the days.

    I’m really uncoordinated too so Zumba is a no-no for me even if it looks like so much fun!

    • Denise | 3rd Apr 22

      Sorry about Coco. 17 is a long time, definitely part of the family. 😢

  9. Farrah | 22nd Apr 22

    Cinnamon oat milk sounds amazing!

    I’m sorry to hear that Sadie’s been having a harder time, but glad she’s back to her normal. <3

    I've tried Zumba and had a lot of fun but it's been a while since I've done it! I usually don't have much coordination but if I just need to follow someone, I can uuuusually do it, hehe.

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