Black Friday Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month and time for Marica’s runfessional where we cleanse our soles. I was on the fence about writing a post but after reading a few I felt the need to add my two cents. Thanks Marcia for this opportunity.

I runfess that I took a little break from posting on social media and still have only been posting occasionally. I started feeling like I spend most of my time interacting with virtual “friends” that I’ve never meant and thought maybe I should focus on friends that I can actual interact with face to face. Hmmm, how do you think that worked out?  First of all did I forget we were in the middle of a pandemic? And even if a friend wanted to get together (safely) schedules seem to always get in the way. In all honesty, I like sharing posts with my virtual friends. 

Google images

I will runfess though, I also started to feel like “What’s the point really?” Does anyone really care about my silly posts, and my runs or bike rides? I don’t mean to sound all ‘woe is me’, that’s not my intention at all, I just felt like I’m not doing anything special, I’m a middle aged woman running with her dog just like a million others. 

Then a couple of co-workers asked if I quit running because I hadn’t posted anything. They said I inspired them and missed seeing my runs. Well, damn, then I felt bad. Like I was letting them down. Good god, a girl can’t win. LOL. Loooong story short, I’m somewhat over my slump and decided to post when the mood strikes.

I runfess that I really miss actual races. I need a goal. And not a goal to run alone. Is that too much to ask? I get why we can’t but I’m so over it. 

Google images

Well it sounds like I needed that runfessional. Now I’m off to have some apple pie and a cup of tea. I hope y’all have wonderful weekend. 

Did anyone do any Black Friday shopping? Are you itching for a real, live and in person race?

Thanks for reading. 



  1. Marcia | 28th Nov 20

    I totally understand that feeling. When I started my blog back in 2009, I thought of it as an online training journal for me, and a way for a formerly professional writer to keep writing. I never thought people would actually read it. Now I know my running exploits are not that special, but it’s a habit I can’t shake and I do love our virtual community. It’s hard to find a balance of writing when the mood strikes and not feeling under pressure to do so. Thanks for linking!

    • Denise | 30th Nov 20

      I didn’t know you were a professional writer but that makes sense to me now. I never liked writing papers in college so I’m not sure why blogging seemed like a good idea. πŸ˜‰

  2. Wendy | 28th Nov 20

    I get all disgusted and ready to quit posting; then someone reaches out and tells me how much they look forward to my posts or how I inspire them. Bottom line, here I am! I love our blogging group and right now, it’s a nice group to be in.

    • Denise | 30th Nov 20

      Yeah, don’t quit posting, you are inspiring.

  3. Chocolaterunsjudy | 28th Nov 20

    I have pretty much completely abandoned IG this year. There are only so many hours in a day, and despite not actually working, I do keep myself busy. It’s nice to have a community to reach out to when you can’t easily get together!

    I am not really itching for a race, but I do miss racing at the same time.

    • Denise | 30th Nov 20

      Having a race to train for keeps me motivated to push myself.
      I like scrolling through IG but I don’t always have time to post.

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 1st Dec 20

        I rarely even scroll through anymore. I just scratch my head wondering how people work, blog, post on social media, and work out! I don’t even work, although I do spend a lot of time on my YT channel.

        • Denise | 1st Dec 20

          I wonder the same thing. I must waste a lot of time. 😊

          • Chocolaterunsjudy | 2nd Dec 20

            I doubt it! Besides, I think you need to blow off steam considering your job. I don’t know how you do it but thank you!

  4. Michelle D. | 29th Nov 20

    I often feel the same about my blogging…but as others have said, I know I would miss my running community!

    I really do miss racing. Some days it’s hard to imagine when we’re going to get back to a regular racing schedule.

    • Denise | 30th Nov 20

      Even though I haven’t blogged in a while I still try to stay connected to the running community. I like seeing what everyone is doing. I guess I’m a little nosy. πŸ™‚

  5. runswithpugs | 29th Nov 20

    <3 I haven't posted much on FB lately, but I'm active on IG. I like the pictures LOL. I got so much more into it when I broke my leg, and really couldn't go out and socialize, but I don't ever share the super juicy stuff because I'm too private. It's a vicious cycle.

    We have live races here – I will be doing a 10K on Sunday. They are small and social distancing is maintained. It's been helping quite a bit.

    • Denise | 30th Nov 20

      That’s great that you have a live 10k! Have fun!
      I don’t think anyone needs to share the juicy stuff…but I would probably read it. Lol

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