Running: Simply Putting One Foot In Front of The Other…Or is it?


I have been known to  say that running is simply just putting one foot in front of the other. It’s one of the many reason I do it. It requires no real skill or talent. You don’t need to be flexible or coordinated. You don’t need good eye hand coordination or balance. You just lace up your shoes and head out the door, putting one foot in front of the other. Right?


 Running is so much more than that. As a runner you need to learn how to pace yourself and breathe. Sounds simple enough but it does take some practice. The experts  say you should breathe once every 3 strides, I still can’t count that out but I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m doing. πŸ™‚

Other things that need to be considered are, foot strike, turnover, form, diet, hydration, rest days…and on and on it goes. You can find a ton of articles about how to be a better runner, which tells me that there’s more to running than simply putting one foot in front of the other.

Having said that, running can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. If you are new to running then keeping it simple is your best bet. As you become a more experienced runner, incorporating different techniques and training methods can be helpful.

The most useful information I have discovered recently is this…

running form


After seeing this diagram (from Runner’s World) I realized that the first figure is me. Almost every race photo I have, I look like the first runner (especially if the photo is from the second half of the race). I always tell people that form is important…run tall, relax your neck, shoulders and arms…which looks exactly like the first figure. He looks like he’s just cruising along, while the second guy looks like he is on a mission. This was very eye opening for me.

Now when I’m running, I focus on being the second runner by pushing my pelvis and chest forward, keeping my back straight and my body aligned at a forward angle. This adjustment to my form has helped my pace so much while decreasing energy exerted. When I get tired I remember this picture and readjust my form, and my pace picks up (almost) every time. Grant it, it’s not magic, it still requires effort, but it helps a whole lot.

Running form is not the only thing I worry about while running. Here’s a quick list of things that go through my head…

  • Do I need to increase my cadence (or turn-over)? “They” say that 175-180 steps per minute is the ideal pace.  To determine your cadence count the number or times your right foot hits the ground in a minute then double it. (If you have a Garmin it does it for you.) 
  • Am I lifting my feet up enough? Or too much? I’ve read that you should run with your feet low to the ground…it requires the least about of effort…while also getting them off the ground quickly. Sometimes when my legs are tired I concentrate on my feet “pulling” me forward.
  • Am I running tall? Are my arms swinging too much? Look ahead, not down!
  • Smile. Apparently smiling while running tricks your brain into thinking you’re happy and perceives what you’re doing as being easy. Smiling has been know to lessen pain and improve mood, so give it a try on your next run. What’s the worse thing that can happen…people will think you’re a little weird?

Elf smiling

There are so many more things that go through my head but we’d be here all day if I wrote them all down. The bottom line is…

  1. Consider your form and adjust periodically during your run. 
  2. Keep your feet low and moving fast. Don’t think of it as running harder but as moving your feet faster.
  3. Relax your neck, shoulders, arms and face.
  4. Smile! It will make you feel better and the people around you will think running is fun!

running and playing outside

Do you worry about your form or do you just run? Have you tried smiling while running? Did it help?

Thanks for reading!

Keep running!



  1. Wendy | 14th Sep 18

    I do worry about my form and work on it all the time. I’ve found that taking videos of myself running (the ones I use to screen shot a selfie) have been really helpful. Right now it seems like I”m running upright and I need to work on moving forward. It’s always something!

    • Denise | 14th Sep 18

      You are so right! It is always something. Your form always looks good to me. I’ve watched videos of myself and I look like I should be riding the short bus! (no offense to anyone) πŸ™‚

  2. Foot Strike: Do You Need an Adjustment? I do. - | 14th Dec 21

    […] I hope some of this information was helpful. I know I need a review every once in a while. I know this because I wrote a similar post here. […]

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