Running In The Heat


Warm weather running can be a challenge. Unlike cold weather when you can add and shed layers, when it’s hot you can only take off so much. Besides some things are needed for protection. 

Living in Southern California means I have more sunny runs than not, so sun protection is a must year round. It really seems obvious in the summer heat but the sun is out all the time so don’t forget that in the winter.

Sun Protection

Hat or Visor

I prefer a hat because it keeps the sun off the top of my head, and a white hat will reflect the sun. It is possible to burn your scalp and get skin cancer on your scalp. A hat or visor helps keep the sun out of your eyes and off your face, so important especially on those long runs.


I don’t go anywhere without sunglasses. My eyes are so sensitive to light. Bright light gives me a headache. Sunglasses help protect your eyes from the sun (obviously) which can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration. Look for sunglasses with UV400 for the best protection against harmful ultraviolet light. Check out this article from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. 

I love Goodr sunglasses because they are inexpensive ($25 for most), lightweight and don’t slip or bounce. And they come in so many colors and styles.

Goodr sunglasses and my favorite hat.

Sun Protection Sleeves

These are great for hot days when you’re going to be in the sun for a long time. I wear sunscreen on my arms all the time but if I’m going on a long run, bike ride or hike, I’ll wear sleeves to protect my arms. I have cooling ones that feel good especially when there’s a breeze.

These are from Walmart but they are just like the ones I got on Amazon. Similar price too.

You can get some with thumb holes too. It would be kind of nice to have that added protection over your hands.


Everyone should be wearing sunscreen all year long but most people tend to think of sunscreen in the warmer months when they can feel the hot sun. Unfortunately the sun is sneaky and puts out UV rays all the time. I just listened to a podcast about skin health and the person interviewed says she puts on sunscreen first thing in the morning because those evil (my word not hers) UV rays come in through your windows and reflect off things. I’m not quite that worried but I do put on sunscreen every day. My sunscreen of choice is Sun Bum because it is safe for the environment. 

I use this for my face and the spray for everything else.

I use Burts Bees lip balm with sunscreen to protect my lips.  


Another thing you need more of in the warmer months is water. It’s so important to stay hydrated when it’s hot out. If I have a long run planned I will try to start hydrating the night before. There are so many options when it comes to carrying water with you on a run that there really is no excuse to go without. There are hydration packs that you wear like a back pack, hand helds, waist packs and I even saw an arm pack. I prefer a waist pack that has a pocket for my phone, keys, fuel, lip balm and maybe a bandaid, because you all know how graceful I am. 

My waist pack is askew I think from getting my phone to take this pic. Normally it stays in place. 🙂

I generally only take water if I’m going to be out for more than an hour, unless it’s really hot and/or I have my dog then I’ll bring water for her. If I drive somewhere to run then I bring my HydroFlask too and leave it in the car so I’ll  have ice cold water when I’m done. 

Body Wipes

Let’s face it, running is a sweaty sport, especially when it’s hot out. I don’t know about you but I’m sweating 10 minutes in no matter what the weather is. If I’m driving somewhere to run I like to have something to cool down and clean up with in the car. I like The Body Wipe because they are individually wrapped so they don’t dry out but I just ordered HyperGo Full Body Fitness Wipes because they are biodegradable and since I’m always trying to save the planet.  I hope I like them. I’ll let you know. 



I think that’s about it. Can you think of anything else that might be needed for warm weather running? 

Be safe, get out early to be the heat and stay hydrated. 

I’m linking with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics.

tuesdays topics

And with Debbie, Deborah, Jen, Lisa and Laura for Runners’ Roundup.

Thanks for reading!



  1. deborahbrooks14 | 4th May 21

    I now wear sunscreen year around as I’ve had a few things taken off the past few years. Do you drink plain water or use a hydration tablet? I have already started with my SIS hyrdration tabs. I am a sweater!

    • Denise | 4th May 21

      I carry plain water but put Nuun in my hydro flask for afterwards.

  2. Lisa | 4th May 21

    These are great reminders. I’ve never thought of wearing sun protection sleeves but thats a great idea. I also wear sunglasses on almost all my runs, especially in the summer!

    • Denise | 4th May 21

      It’s a good idea to protect them before the damage is done. I wish I did when I was younger.

  3. Kim at Running on the Fly | 4th May 21

    I wear sunglasses year-round, as well, but especially in the warmer months when the sun is stronger. I have painfully dry skin, so I’m prone to wrinkles…and I honestly don’t have many for my age…I attribute it to all those years of sunglasses 😉 I love arm sleeves (more for the fun colors than the protection LOL). I have not seen any at my (small town) Walmart…but I’m going to look a little more thoroughly next time.

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      Those arm sleeve might only be online for Walmart, but who knows they do have everything there.
      Sunscreen will help prevent wrinkles and skin cancer.

  4. Catrina | 4th May 21

    After my long runs here in South Africa, I noticed that I got sunburnt on my calves. A local runner then told me to wear calf sleeves, because sunscreen won’t protect you enough. So I started wearing them and they work a treat.
    Very similar to your arm sleeves! These are a great idea, too!

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      I was thinking of trying compression socks even though they bug my toes so maybe the calf sleeves would be better.
      I saw a TikTok the other day of a mountain biker in South Africa who encountered a giraffe. The giraffe came over to sniff him. It was huge!! I thought of you. I was going to try to send it to you. 🙂

      • Catrina | 5th May 21

        Oh, I’ll have to check that giraffe one out!
        Thanks, Denise!

  5. Wendy | 5th May 21

    Great tips! I also make sure to apply anti-chafing cream to areas prone to chafing–under arms, inner thighs, butt crease. I don’t chafe much in the cool weather, but the sweat seems to create more friction.

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      I almost went back to add anti-chafing cream. I don’t usually chafe but now that I said it…

  6. jenny | 5th May 21

    I’ll have to check out that sunscreen! I’m always on the lookout for an effective sunscreen that’s not to thick and gloppy. Also… body wipes. Now that I’ve been driving to a trail for my long runs, body wipes would be nice to have!

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      My daughter just bought the Sun Bum tinted face sunscreen which is nice if you don’t want to wear makeup.
      It’s so refreshing to wipe up especially after a trail run.

  7. therightfits | 5th May 21

    Sunscreen and hydration- SO so important. That sunscreen is one of my favorites and it smells so good!

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      Right? My daughter just bought the tinted face sunscreen which would be good for every day use.

  8. Chocolaterunsjudy | 5th May 21

    We haven’t had to deal with heat yet. In fact, it’s still darn chilly, but that’s relatively normal (even if it’s not exactly fun).

    Now here’s what I don’t understand, and I know a LOT of people are like you — not carrying water for anything less than an hour. I always carry water. Always. Summer, Winter, long, short. And I always drink it. And I usually wish I had more!

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      I like to carry as little as possible. I guess I just figure I can go an hour without water which is weird considering I take water EVERYWHERE I go.

  9. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets | 5th May 21

    Great tips! I have definitely been slacking on sunscreen. I need to get back into that habit! I sweat a lot, so I’d definitely need something that can last!

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      I sweat a lot too. I assume it’s still working when I sweat. I never burn even when I was marathon training. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. runswithpugs | 5th May 21

    A good anti-chafe product. I live in Florida, so we get the added bonus of oppressive humidity. Good times. I go out early, before the sun comes up, and I never leave without sunglasses. My eyes are way too sensitive for that.

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      Yeah, I should’ve included chafing cream but I didn’t think of it until later. Fortunately I’ve only had chafing a couple of times.

  11. Zenaida Arroyo | 5th May 21

    These are all great! I am bad with sunscreen and use it more in the summer. I know, I know, I should use it everyday.

    Thank you for linking up with us!

    • Denise | 5th May 21

      I feel like sunscreen doesn’t feel important until we start worrying about wrinkles. You’re not there yet. 😉

      • Zenaida Arroyo | 8th May 21

        You are too sweet! I do worry about wrinkles. I’ve noticed them under my eyes.

  12. Darlene S. Cardillo | 6th May 21

    You must have written this for me. Just got back from steamy Florida.

    I just slow down when it’s hot.

    I also spray on bug spray. Hate mosquitos

    • Denise | 6th May 21

      I was going to mention bug spray, especially for trail runners but we don’t have the bugs here like most other states so I forgot. 😛

  13. Debbie Woodruff | 10th May 21

    I definitely have heat running experience here in the desert though fortunately it’s usually a dry heat. I like to use Nuun when I run. I had a lesson in pre-hydration last week. I ran a hot 10 miles and had some lightheadedness near the end that I blame on dehydration.

  14. Laura Norris Running | 11th May 21

    Yes to all of these! I always wear sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and hat – must haves for sun protection!

    • Denise | 11th May 21

      The sun can be brutal here, so yeah, definite must haves. 🙂

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