Runfessions: July Edition

It’s hard to believe we only have a couple more days of July which means it is time for Marcia to open the runfessional,

…and while we’re at it let’s bare our soles over coffee with Coco and Deborah.

the ultimate coffee date

I’m great at multitasking, my coffee is hot, so let’s get to it.

If we were having coffee I’d runfess that I gave in and signed up for the virtual Boston marathon.  Yeah I know, what the heck? Hear me out. My rational was that I was going to Boston on a family trip anyway and it might be my only chance to get that medal. Well, since registering things have changed (big surprise). We have cancelled our trip all together, because who knows what is going to be open when we get there and part of the family couldn’t go because of furlough issues, and I’m really not sure I want to sit on a plane with a bunch of strangers during a pandemic. Ugh. So now I’m torn between sucking it up and running 26.2 miles here in California and pretending I’m in Boston or throwing in the towel and saying screw it. I don’t want to be a quitter but…

Then absolutely not!

Over coffee I’d runfess that I’m loving spending time on my bike with my husband. I may have mentioned that he got an ebike (electric bike) recently, and while I felt like he was cheating it has gotten him out of his chair on Saturdays and on the trail with me. He even rode with my sister on a day that I had to work.  Just to be clear, he actually does have to pedal to activate the pedal assist, so he is moving his legs. 🙂

Over coffee I’d runfess that I read “The Athlete’s Gut” by Wilson Patrick to try to get to the bottom of my GI issues and I didn’t learn a thing. To be fair I did get a refresher on the GI tract, some of which I had forgotten since nursing school, so that was good. But as far as why some mornings I have an angry gut, I’m still at a loss. It looks like I probably should keep a food diary. UGH! I’m not good at keeping any kind of journal and God knows I have tried. It’s really frustrating considering I have been able to eat what ever I wanted, all my life, without issue, until now. 

And lastly, and I didn’t want to end on a sour note but…

Over coffee I’d runfess that I have been a little in the dark about the whole Epstein thing. I guess I live under a rock. My daughter and I just finished watching Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, and WOW! What a sociopath! Now I need to know who else was involved and want to seen Ghislaine Maxwell spend the rest of her life in prison. Those poor girls. I want to hug them and tell them how sorry I am. Human trafficking is HUGE right now and happening right under our noses. Very scary, and sad.

Google images

Okay I can’t end like this. One last thing…

Over coffee I’d runfess that I am loving The Morning Show! If you haven’t seen it you should. Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon are amazing. I’m not loving that Steve Carell is playing such a jerk, but he is doing a fabulous job of it. Check it out on Apple TV. 

And that’s a wrap! Hope everyone is well and staying safe and sane. 

Update, I just saw that Coco and Deborah are moving the Ultimate Coffee Date to next Saturday so I guess I’ll be sharing over coffee next week too. Oops!

Thanks for reading and keep moving!



  1. Catrina | 31st Jul 20

    So cool that you’re riding the bike with your husband! It’s tough to keep up with an e-bike! Well done.
    I have come to love my bike this summer, both the MTB and the road bike. It’s such a great alternative to running!

    • Denise | 31st Jul 20

      He sure has pushed me past my comfort zone. But I’m also comfortable with letting him speed up ahead and then waiting for me to catch up. Lol.
      Biking is a great alternative but it’s more time consuming.

  2. Marcia | 31st Jul 20

    When Boston first went virtual I’d have scoffed at that option, but now, with no real end in sight for Covid, I totally understand your decision. Sigh. That’s so nice you can ride with your hubby. The Epstein thing is despicable. Ghislane needs to talk and out everyone involved. I’ll bet it’s pretty juicy. They should all rot in jail. Thanks for linking up!

    • Denise | 31st Jul 20

      I did scoff at the thought of running Boston virtually but after giving it some thought I managed to talk myself into it.
      I too hope they all rot in jail and I really hope Ghislaine doesn’t get killed in prison before the truth is told.

  3. Lisa | 31st Jul 20

    That’s a tough call on Boston! Not sure what I would do. I decided I won’t do a virtual marathon because my next marathon goal is to BQ, and that won’t happen in a virtual race. Who knows when I’ll actually have a chance to try!

    • Denise | 31st Jul 20

      I agree, it would be pretty tough to BQ with a virtual race. I think it’s going to be pretty tough to even do a virtual race. When you do get a chance to try for BQ I highly recommend a Revel race. They are all downhill marathons which can be daunting at first but if you train for it then gravity works to your advantage. Good luck!

  4. deborahbrooks14 | 31st Jul 20

    Sorry about the coffee date mix up! Thought we had posted that a bunch of times. There is always more coffee so join in next week for that too. Sounds like you really do want to run the Boston virtual so do what’s in your heart. No right decisions but do what will make you happy 🙂

    • Denise | 31st Jul 20

      I’m sure I missed the post…I’m a little behind on blog posts.
      Running Boston virtually definitely seemed more doable when I thought I was actually going to be in Boston. Now I’m not so sure. We’ll see. Thanks Deborah!

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly | 31st Jul 20

    Such a tough call on Boston (says the gal who will probably never qualify LOL). I agree that at least running it virtually in Boston would make it a little more real. I’ve had several races go virtual. Though they weren’t anywhere close to Boston’s caliber, I really wanted to run them on the actual course (or at least in the vicinity), but that has not happened yet. Sigh. It’s great that you have been biking with the hubby! I enjoy my rides with mine.

    • Denise | 1st Aug 20

      Never say never. I never thought I would qualify…ever, but I did. I know those fast, long legs of yours can do it!
      I really wanted to run the course or like you said at least in the vicinity, being 3,000 miles away is not quite the same. Sigh.

  6. Wendy | 31st Jul 20

    I’m going to write about it on Tuesday (I hope), but the local race promoter that I’m an ambassador for is offering virtual races that you can run on the actual course. I think it’s great and I’m signed up for all 3 of them. But it’s local. I can’t fathom traveling anywhere on a plane right now!

    • Denise | 1st Aug 20

      Why is it a virtual race if you can sign up and run the course? I guess I’ll find out when I read your post. 😉 Sounds more doable though.

  7. Coco | 31st Jul 20

    Sorry for the coffee date mix-up, but really we could get together every weekend as far as I’m concerned. ;-). Thanks for the rec on The Morning Show. I have a free trial of Apple TV and haven’t used it yet! There’s a lot of bike-related runfessions today!

    • Denise | 1st Aug 20

      No worries on the link mix-up. My mistake. I’m not caught up on blog post reads.
      I used my free trial for the show too. Now I can’t wait for season two but this pandemic has postponed it…like everything else. (eyeroll)

  8. kookyrunner | 1st Aug 20

    That’s such a tough call on Boston but I understand the allure of the medal, lol.

    I agree with you about the Morning Show – I actually binge watched it in one day a few months ago. I can’t wait for season 2! I need to watch that Jeffrey Epstein documentary. Just from the little that I know about him, it makes me cringe – what a disgusting human being.

  9. runswithpugs | 2nd Aug 20

    I would have done the same thing in regards to Boston. Sure, it’s not the same, but the change to earn that medal… it would have been hard to pass up.

    I ADORED The Morning Show. I binged on it when I was recovering from surgery, and thought it was absolutely brilliant.

    Glad your hubby is getting up and out there!

    • Denise | 2nd Aug 20

      I love that they (the morning show) are supporting awareness about drug addiction/suicide and sexual predators.

  10. Chocolaterunsjudy | 2nd Aug 20

    Hey, whatever works for you to keep yourself motivated! Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

    Thankfully I rarely have GI issues. But I can say keeping a food diary can really, really help. Just sayin’.

    Hmm. Maybe I need to look into an ebike for my husband. I’d do almost anything to get him off the couch (unfortunately I don’t think he’d be enthusiastic about it). I think it’s great that you & your husband are getting out there together!

    • Denise | 2nd Aug 20

      I’m going to have to suck it up and keep a journal.
      You really should look into the ebike. My husband was totally against riding until he discovered the ebike. It’s easier for him but he still has to move his legs. Good luck!

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 2nd Aug 20

        Unfortunately I doubt I could convince him to spend the money on it. And I don’t bike. But it would be really good for him!

        I’ll just have to keep dragging him out to walk. 😊

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