Inspiring Others Is My Motivation


I started this blog so I could inspire and motivate people to run and be healthy. I wanted to be there to answer questions and provide insight. While I’m not a coach, personal trainer or professional athlete, I do have years of experience and a lot of trial and error. I love being the inspiration for people to be active and that in turn motivates me to keep going.

What can you do to inspire the people around you to be active? Here’s a few things that are working for me.

∼Be Active On Social Media

Some find social media fake and misleading but I find it inspiring and motivating. I choose to follow people that keep it real and aren’t just posing. Having said that, do I search through my video frames to find the best shot to post on IG and FB? Well yeah! Who wants to post the pic of cellulite legs or the one where I look like I should be riding the short bus (no offense to anyone). I want to post the best pic I have, which can be a  challenge and still they are never model perfect. (Because unfortunately I’m not model perfect. 😉 ). I never post to brag or to make anyone feel bad about not running or working out. 

In 2018 when I was training for my Boston qualifying marathon and subsequently running and qualifying I received an enormous amount of support and encouragement via social media. I totally believe I couldn’t have done it without it. I also found that people were motivated by my training posts and some actually started running! Social media has opened up and avenue for conversations and encouragement that wasn’t available when I entered the running community. 

∼Ask Questions and Be Approachable

I love it when a friend/co-worker comes to me and tells me about the mile they ran or how they started planking. Some tell me about how they are changing their diet or walking after dinner. I’m not taking credit for their lifestyle changes just pointing out that they know they can come to me and I’m interested. I also make it a point to ask about people’s running/cycling/OTF/Pilates, whatever they might be interested in. Hearing about what they’re doing to stay healthy inspires me to keep doing what I do. I love that when people see me they feel the need to talk fitness. 

∼Be Relatable

My job attracts a young population, and/or most of the nurses my age decide that they’ve had enough of the emergency department (ED) and find something else. For me I think it keeps me young and I like the chaos.  Sometimes I forget that I am 20 (or 30) years older than these “babies” I work with and while I’m not partying with them, we do discuss workouts and the latest diet trends.  They keep me current and I share years of “wisdom”. 😉

The other day a very fit, very health-conscious “baby” co-worker was giving me advise for shortening the course of my cold and ended with “Well I don’t have to tell you that, you already know.” But really, I’m not all knowing and welcome any and all advise. We’re all in this together.

∼Get People Involved

Sign up for a race and encourage others to join you. Fourteen years ago I was talked into running my first marathon with a friend at work and it changed my life forever. Since then I’ve had co-workers run their first 5k, 10 miler and half marathon with me.  Be the person that changes someone’s life. 

As of yesterday I am co-captain of our American Heart Association (AHA) Heart Walk team in the ED. My job is to get people to donate and/or walk for AHA. I’m thinking this is going to be our best year ever! 

If you love what you do, like we do, it will show and some people will naturally be inspired. Others might need a little extra push. Don’t be afraid to give a little push but know when to back off. I was talking with a co-worker about the Big Sur Marathon when a friend interrupted and changed the subject, then said “Sorry but I hate talking about races.” She’s obviously not a runner. Lol. No worries, we’ll talk later. 😉


Do you try to encourage friends, family and co-workers to follow in your footsteps? Are you the go-to person at work? Do you too, find that you are surrounded by “babies”?


                                                           This week I’m linking with Fairytales and Fitness

Thanks for reading!



  1. Marcia | 17th Jan 20

    I notice that I am surrounded by more and more “babies” at races. How’d that happen?? Haha!

    • Denise | 17th Jan 20

      Seriously! It happened quick!

  2. Deborah Brooks | 17th Jan 20

    I love that my role in my MRTT group and my role as a Girls on the Run Coach allows me to share my passions for health and wellness. I hope that encourages others!

    • Denise | 17th Jan 20

      It absolutely does encourage others!

  3. Lacey@fairytalesandfitness | 17th Jan 20

    It’s like when you go to a party and someone asks how do you know they are a runner? Oh don’t worry they will tell you! Haha. I find myself talking about running all the time and those who don’t run, usually at least act like they are

    Thanks for linking up!

    • Denise | 17th Jan 20

      I try to only talk about running with my non-running friends when they bring it up. As for my running friends, well…

  4. Chocolaterunsjudy | 18th Jan 20

    Great post, Denise! I always feel if that I can just reach one person, I’ve done my job (even if it’s not my job!). Most of my friends (but not all) tend to be older, since I don’t work in an office & therefore am more exposed to people who are already retired.

    One of my Yoga students, however, I’ve probably been married longer than she’s been alive . . .

    • Denise | 18th Jan 20

      The friends I spend time with are my age or a little younger. I am usually the oldest but I’m okay with that because I know I can out run all of them (except one who is an Ironman tri-athlete). Lol

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 18th Jan 20

        I’m relatively slow, and not in that oh my 10 mm are so slow way. If I’m really lucky that could be race pace for me on shorter races. 😊 So I don’t outrun a lot of people. But I can encourage the turtles. 😊

        • Denise | 20th Jan 20

          I guess I wasn’t clear. I’m only out running my older non-runner friends. 😉

  5. Wendy | 18th Jan 20

    i agree, there’s a lot of phony people on social media! I like to think that with me you know what you’re getting. I didn’t start my blog to inspire people, I started it to connect with other runners. Mission accomplished! But if people find inspiration by what they read, that makes me happy!

    • Denise | 18th Jan 20

      Your blog goal seems to make a lot more sense than mine considering the people reading running blogs are runners. I have inadvertently accomplished your goal too. 😉

  6. Lisa @ Mile by Mile | 20th Jan 20

    I think there are so many positive ways to inspire others when it comes to fitness! I try to keep most of my online stuff separate for my blog and personal stuff, because I know many of my family and friends are not interested in reading about running. But if they are, they can follow my blog/facebook page!

    • Denise | 20th Jan 20

      I’ve thought of separating my running and personal posts but I figure friends and family can scroll past if not interested. And maybe I’ll inspire someone along the way. 😉
      Thanks for reading.

  7. kookyrunner | 21st Jan 20

    I think that being approachable is one of the best qualities a person can have. Someone can have a lot of knowledge but if they are not approachable, they aren’t able to share what they know with others.

    • Denise | 4th Feb 20

      Sorry Kim I didn’t see this comment, for some reason it went to spam.
      I agree! I try very hard to be approachable. I’m pretty sure all the youngins’ at work know they can come to me with any and all questions.

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