Caught up in the Boston Marathon Madness

Congratulations to everyone who ran the Boston marathon this week! What an amazing accomplishment! I can only imagine what it feels like to cross that finish line.


Every year…

When the Boston Marathon comes around, I get caught up in all the excitement. I start looking at training plans. I relook at qualifying times hoping that my qualifying time has magically changed to something doable. I try to convince myself that I can do it if I really want to and the only thing holding me back is me.  I ignore the  fact that I haven’t done a full marathon in 10 years. And that my pace has slowed to a 10 to 10:30 minute mile on my long runs. But sure, I can do it. (sarcasm) πŸ˜‰

Every year…

I have someone ask me “Why don’t you run the Boston marathon?” I then explain how I need to qualify and what qualifying means. “No you don’t have to qualify for all marathons, just Boston.” “It’s 26. 2 miles.” “Yes. Yes that is far.” πŸ™‚

qualifying for boston meme


Every year…

I feel inspired as I watch the thousands of marathoners, running through Boston. It’s not only the runners who inspire me, but the amazing amount of spectators and volunteers. Even this year with the cold wind and rain, there were hundreds of people out there braving the awful weather to support the marathoners. I’ve never been to a race with so much support. I want to experience that.

spectators in Boston

Every year…

I have the same conversation with my husband about the time commitment needed to train for a marathon. How I would need to train for at least 2 more marathons…1. to qualify (and that’s providing I qualify on the first try) and 2. for Boston. This year will be the best year for me to qualify.  I just realized that I moved up an age group (Yay?) putting me at the bottom of the next age group. This means I get more time to qualify. Check out the chart below to find your qualifying time. Maybe we can virtually train together. πŸ™‚

boston qualifying times

Then every year the excitement slowly fades, and I ease back into my comfortable running routine, talking myself out of the intense work required to train for a Boston qualifying marathon. 

Will this year be any different? Will this be my year to check it off my bucket list? I’m not getting any younger…or faster. 

Have you done the Boston marathon? Do you want to? 

Does watching the Boston marathon inspire you?

I’m linking up with Running Coaches’ Corner hosted by Coach Debbie, Running on Happy, Crazy Running Girl.

coaches' corner


Thanks for reading.

Keep running!



  1. Marcia | 19th Apr 18

    I love this post. It does seem daunting and a it is a whole lot of work. What I tell my running clients is to first really train well for a half. Do the speedwork and the tempo runs. See if your best half extrapolates to something within striking distance for Boston. BQ training is a big time commitment. Just having marathon endurance under your belt (even if 10 years have passed) is an advantage. Never say never! πŸ˜€

    • Denise | 19th Apr 18

      Thanks for the encouragement. I went to bed thinking the very same thing. See if I can hold my pace for a half and go from there. πŸ™‚

  2. Wendy | 19th Apr 18

    I thought that once my BQ dropped to 4:10, I could do it! Piece of cake, right? Hold my beer: menopause and RA happened and I slowed down dramatically. Even though some of my “speed” is coming back, I don’t know that I have 2 marathons left in me. One to qualify and then if I do, Boston… It might be a dream left as just that.

    • Denise | 19th Apr 18

      I’m not sure if I have 2 marathons left in me either but I think I have to try. Maybe being a spectator is my only option. We’ll see. πŸ™‚

  3. kookyrunner | 22nd Apr 18

    It’s funny…I had no desire to run the Boston Marathon, but Monday’s race really made me want to experience this epic race! While I’ll never qualify, I would strongly consider being a charity runner if I could find the right cause.

    • Denise | 23rd Apr 18

      Not everyone wants to run the Boston Marathon but it’s hard to not get caught up in all the excitement. Running for a charity is an amazing experience. If you can do it I highly recommend it! Good luck!

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