Weekly Wrap: Marathon Training in June Gloom


Marathon training is in full force! This week was my second week of official training and I’m trying to stay focused and keep to the schedule laid out for me. I signed up for the Revel Online Coaching Program for the Revel Big Bear Marathon thinking it would be my best option if I want to qualify for Boston.

I haven’t done a Weekly Wrap for a few weeks because I was feeling a little overwhelmed trying to fit it all in…the miles, work and family life. I was freaking out when I reviewed my marathon training and what the coming weeks held and then started wondering what the heck I was thinking. I have since relaxed some and accepted my fate, so here is how my latest week went.

I am linking up with Wendy and Hoho for the Weekly Wrap, so share the love and visit them, as well as others in the link-up. 

weekly wrap



16 brutal miles.  This long run was scheduled for Saturday but I worked that weekend so I moved it to Monday. This was my 2nd long run, the first being 14 miles (which went well) and I either went into it worrying about how far it was so soon in training or I was tired after working two 12 hour shifts just prior, but it was a rough 16 miles. From mile 12, I ran/walked until the bitter end. 

Surprisingly I didn’t feel too tired that afternoon or sore the next day. I took that as a good sign…maybe I need to change my attitude.


Work/Rest day. I don’t run on work days…yet. I am thinking about getting up super early to squeeze in a short run before work on occasion. I’ll let you know how that goes. 😉


Hills. 2 mi. warm-up then 4 x 1/2 mile uphill followed by 1/2 mile downhill at same effort. 2-3 min rest between sets. 1 mi. cool down.

I had a hard time finding a 1/2 mile hill so I tried the best I could with some rolling hills and called it a day. I have since found a better hill for next time.

You can’t really tell but there’s another hill in the distance. Really


10 miles. I felt good for the whole run. No walking except when I was getting out my Gu. Salted caramel is my new favorite. I tried Sports Beans thinking they would be easier and less messy but then remembered that I don’t really like jelly beans. Duh!


No run. My youngest was graduating that afternoon and I didn’t want to be tired. Plus I had some last minute things to do.

My baby keeps growing up!


14 miles with the last 6 faster than the first 8. I took a new route for this run and as it turns out it is exactly 7 miles to one of my favorite beaches. I stopped for a picture and a potty break then headed back home.

Seal Beach Pier: Sunny when I got there but the clouds rolled in again as I headed home. Thanks Mother Nature!

After mile 8 I focused on running each mile individually. I was fortunate with the current June gloom conditions and a cool breeze for my whole run. There was a small headwind around mile 5 or 6 but decided to think of that as a positive…making me stronger and will push me when I turn around. I met my goal for this run, giving me a much needed confidence boost!


5 mile recovery run. The schedule said rest/recovery run/or cross train.  I should’ve chose rest. I got up before the rest of the family to get my run in before we all went to an early showing of Incredibles 2 (they all liked it, I think I dozed off half way through). My legs were tired and my plantar fasciitis bugged me for the rest of the day. Oh well, live and learn. 

That’s a wrap!

All in all it was a good week with perfect running weather. I’ve never been a fan of June gloom (usually when June comes around I am ready for beach weather and sunshine), but with all the miles I need to put in and not being able to get my butt out the door before 0800, this cool cloudy weather is working out just fine. 😉 I won’t think about the scorching temps we’ll probably get in August and September when I’ll be at the peak of training. :-/

Is there June gloom where you are?  What kind of sports energy to you prefer? Do you choose recovery run or rest?

Thanks for reading!

Keep running my friends!




  1. Wendy | 18th Jun 18

    I’m excited for you to train for your marathon! Holly just ran Revel Rockies and it sounds like a top notch organization. I hope you BQ!!

    I run with Tailwind Nutrition–it’s an ultramarathon fuel but has worked really well for me on long distances. I used to be an ambassador for them and still have a lot of samples. If you want me to send you some, let me know and I’ll give you more info about it.

    • Denise | 18th Jun 18

      Thanks for your support! I read Holly’s post on her Colorado race. She seemed to enjoy it minus the altitude sickness. I’m going to try to do some training up there before race day.
      I think I remember you mentioning Tailwind but then forgot to check it out. I will now. Thanks!

  2. Liz Dexter | 18th Jun 18

    How exciting, is this your first marathon? if so, it is scary and a whole load of rollercoaster emotions – the second one is easier! I love gu but not the salted caramel. I thought I’d like it but OH NO when i tried it. I can still taste it now if I think about it too much!

    • Denise | 18th Jun 18

      I’ve done 3 full marathons but the last one was about 10 years ago. I was kind of surprised how much I like the salted caramel. Sorry to bring back bad memories. 🙂

      • Liz Dexter | 18th Jun 18

        Oh wow, it will all come back I’m sure. I was so sad about the salted caramel as I love the flavour in real life!

  3. HoHo Runs | 19th Jun 18

    I admit I’ve been stalking REVEL Big Bear. Since REVEL Rockies was a bust for me, I feel like my training sort of went to waste and maybe I should build on that and do Big Bear (and the elevation is MUCH lower!). I’m probably just dreaming… I don’t have a money machine in the back yard…

    I can’t chew while I run so Sports Beans are definitely out — they required a lot of that. I liked Salted Caramel GU but it has caffeine so I alternate it with other flavors.

    Nice mileage this week! Thanks for linking!

    • Denise | 19th Jun 18

      If you decide to do Big Bear that would be great! we would definitely need to hookup at some point. Racing does get a bit pricey. I cut way back the past 2 years and am trying to stay local.
      And yes, Sports Beans require a lot of chewing, Gu is so much easier.

  4. The Accidental Marathoner | 30th Jun 18

    Excited to follow your training journey! As soon as I saw you had to work on your Saturday, I popped over to your “About Me” page to confirm what I assumed! Nurses and restaurant workers…no such thing as weekends, holidays, or whatever. What do you specialize in? I am a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and it’s definitely hard to fit in all the training! Congratulations to your daughter!

    • Denise | 30th Jun 18

      I’m an Emergency Nurse. I love what I do but we can be crazy busy. I have always wanted to work NICU. I’m the first to volunteer to start lines on newborns when needed. If I could transfer to NICU without having to nights I would go in a second.

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