There is Strength Within

I love inspirational people.

Joleen Erickson is was of those people. I want to share her story with all of you. Joleen has always been an energetic, positive person giving all of herself to others. As a mother she supported her family, (going to Little League games and dance competitions) and as a teacher she gave to her students (we all know a teachers’ day is not done when the bell rings). In January she decided to do something for herself. Joleen decided to get healthy, fit and strong. She joined The Camp Transformation Center and through hard work and determination she transformed herself. She committed to her first 6 week training course with Camp Transformation in January, then went on to do three more 6 week courses.


I followed her on Facebook as she showed her weight loss, her healthy food choices and her crazy early, morning workouts or hikes. I knew this wasn’t a fad for her, it was a lifestyle change. Joleen gave me permission to share her story and her before and after pictures. She hopes to inspire others and I believe she will. She definitely inspires me. I do my push-ups in hopes to get as strong. Seriously, look at those arms!

joleen Good luck to anyone trying to improve their health and fitness. Joleen proves that if you want something bad enough you can do it!

If you want information about The Camp Transformation Center click here.


  1. Todd | 24th Jul 16

    Great job!

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