Weekly Wrap: A week of “I was planning on…””But I did this instead…”

I haven’t been blogging much in the last couple of weeks for reasons unknown. I’d like to say I’ve been too busy running but my marathon plan is getting off to a slow start. I’m still trying to decide on my approach, whether it will be a 3 day a week plan or a more traditional 4 – 5 days a week. Either way it is time to make a decision. Until then here’s my week at a glance…

Monday started off strong with a 6 mile run. My pace wasn’t very fast, 9:30 – 10:00, but I felt good and the weather was perfect running weather, cool and overcast.

Tuesday I had to work but got off early so I took my puppy, Luna over to the school to burn off energy while I did 30 second sprints with 10 second rest periods. My plan was to run another 2 miles after the sprints, but after 1.5 miles of sprints (and working 8 hours) I chose to run/walk home, drop off Luna and pick up Sadie for a easy run around the block. It’s been a struggle to do the runs I need to do and take the dogs out too.

It was kind of nice running in the late afternoon vs early morning. After dinner, showering and getting in my pajamas I was comfortably tired and ready for bed…by 8pm. Actually I’m ready for bed most nights by 8 pm but this time I felt like I could fall right to sleep. 

Wednesday–work–no run.

Thursday I had a class from 8 to noon. I originally planned to run before class but then thought about how good it felt to run in the afternoon so I thought I’d do that again. I should’ve known better. After class and a Target run I wanted a nap. While lounging reading Deena Kastor’s book, my husband came home and disrupted my plan. He talked me into a drive to the coast for a walk on the pier which then turned into cocktails at the Hangout and no afternoon run for me. 🙁 

Seal Beach Pier

I did weights that night while watching TV but that was the extent of it.

Friday –work–no run.

Saturday I ran 5.5 miles of hill repeats. My focus was speed on the down-hills while staying strong on the up-hills.


Sunday I was planning on a bike ride with my sister but she had a headache and couldn’t ride and I didn’t want to ride alone so I took another rest day. Rest is good, right?

That’s a wrap!

I feel like I had a lot of big plans this week that I didn’t follow through with. Some weeks are like that. Next week is a new week with new goals.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Linking up with HoHo Runs and Taking the Long Way Home. Please take a minute to check out their blogs and leave a comment.

weekly wrap

Do your weeks always go as planned? Are you a morning or evening runner?

Thanks for reading!

Keep running my friends!



  1. Happy Running Mom | 20th May 18

    Rest is good. The walk on the pier looks nice. Sometimes the week doesn’t go as planned but you just got to move on and hope to meet your goals the next week. Hope you have a better week! I’m a morning runner since it’s the only time I can usually run.

    • Denise | 21st May 18

      You’re correct, sometimes the week doesn’t go as planned…life happens. So we move on with new goals [or the same goals ;-)] for a new week. Thanks for reading. Have a great week!

  2. Wendy | 21st May 18

    I like your husband’s plan better than a run too! Looks like you still had a good week. Sometimes you just have to let the run go, right?

    • Denise | 21st May 18

      Yeah, my husband didn’t have to do too much convincing to get me to go. 🙂 And yes Wendy, sometimes you have to let the run go…it’s called balance. 😉

  3. Lacey@fairytalesandfitness | 21st May 18

    I like to run in the morning so it’s out of the way. But sometimes like you said it doesn’t always go as planned. I have been wanting to read Deana’s book.

    • Denise | 21st May 18

      I’m a morning runner too. I was trying to change it up a little and be flexible. Turns out, I am better with routine. Have a great week!

    • Denise | 21st May 18

      I totally recommend Deena’s book. So inspiring!

  4. Kimberly Hatting | 21st May 18

    I need to remember to do “downhill” repeats! I’m so used to doing uphills (and jogging back down), that I forget the importance of downhill training. Thanks for the reminder!

    • Denise | 21st May 18

      Downhills can wreck your quads if you’re not use to them. I have a downhill marathon in October and want to be fully prepared. 🙂

  5. Lisa @ mile by mile | 21st May 18

    Sometimes its better to get in some extra rest! And it sounds like you have a fun excuse to skip your run went you went out with your husband. Whenever I have weeks like that I just try to think about how I could plan a little differently the next week.

    • Denise | 23rd May 18

      It was nice taking a walk at the beach with the hubby. And you’re right, adjusting my goals for the next week is a doable solution. Have a great week Lisa!

  6. Coco | 22nd May 18

    Rest ^is^ good, especially if you are starting marathon training soon. We’re trying to figure out running with our new dog, starting with a short loop with run/walk intervals.

    • Denise | 23rd May 18

      I feel like my attempts at running with the puppy are extra runs and sometimes draining. She has sooo much energy! Good luck with Scooby (?).

  7. Happy Fit Mama (@happyfitmama) | 22nd May 18

    There’s nothing wrong with rest. It just fuels your next workout! Nice work on the hill repeats. I need to work on my downhill running. I put the brakes on too much.

  8. HoHo Runs | 23rd May 18

    I’ve focused on downhill speed training this cycle too as I have a downhill marathon in a few days. {EEK} A walk on the pier and cocktails actually sounds lovely. I think a slow start makes for a great race. Same goes for training — you don’t want to quick burned out too quickly. Thanks for linking!

    • Denise | 24th May 18

      I rarely turn down a visit to the beach. Good luck on your race!

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