My new Runner’s World (RW) magazine came in the mail last week, and as usual it didn’t fail to inspire me. It is amazing how reading about running can make me want to run. I love reading about everyday people changing their lives through running. Or about people who have been running nearly their entire life and are still pounding the pavement into their 60’s, 70’s and even 80’s. Some (okay, all) of them may not be running as far or as fast, but they are out there moving, not sitting in some rocking chair in front of the TV watching game shows. I want that to be me! (Running, not sitting)
This months story in RW, is about a 67 year old woman, Jane Treleven, who started running in high school, took time off to raise a family and then started up again when she was 41. She runs world-class 5K times, 21:50, which is a 7 min mile (something I have not done in a long while, but reading about her motivates me to try).
Her key workout is sprinting hill repeats. She says it improves form, turnover, speed and strength all at once. I did hill repeats the day after reading her story.
If you read her story, take note, there is no mention of knee or hip replacements. Hmmm. Just saying
To read the full story from Runner’s World click here.
If you know of someone who has inspired you in your fitness goals leave a comment below. I will research them and add a blog about them.
Thanks for reading!
Keep running!
I love inspirational people. Joleen Erickson is was of those people. I want to share…
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Diane Gulley | 16th Jul 16
Love your site
Denise | 16th Jul 16