Sidewalk and Trail Etiquette During a Pandemic (or otherwise)

We’re all runners or walkers and pretty much know the rules (written and unwritten) of the road (sidewalk, trail). But we are living in confusing times and many people are worried about social distancing and might be uncertain about how things work on the street or trail. Except for giving people more room when passing, rules are basically the same. But, because there are a lot more people out walking, running and riding their bikes these days it might be helpful to go over sidewalk/trail etiquette for the ones who just joined the party.

Sidewalks: Runner vs pedestrian

Sidewalks are for pedestrians. Runners are faster pedestrians. So the side walk is yours too. Stay to the right and you should be fine. Of course now we have a pandemic so things are skewed. You cannot simply run by someone anymore. 

  • Running against traffic, on the sidewalk, and someone is walking toward you. You should step off the sidewalk and go around them because you are facing the traffic and can see what is coming. I find that most men will step off the sidewalk so I don’t have to. I always wave or nod and say thanks. 
  • Running with traffic, on the sidewalk, and someone is walking toward you. They should step off the sidewalk and go around you. (For the reason mentioned above.) 

Exceptions: An elderly person always gets to stay on the sidewalk either way. It’s respect. A parent with a stroller also gets the sidewalk. 

  • Running on the sidewalk and you need to pass someone who is walking in the same direction. I get off the sidewalk and go around them because I usually have my dog and we take up more room so it seems right.
  • Passing a person in any situation that has a dog. If it’s a small dog I prefer if they pass me while I have my dog sit off the sidewalk. It just easier that way because those little dogs can be unpredictable. If it’s a big dog then anything goes. We both usually try to avoid each other by one of us crossing the street if possible. 

                                             Always look for cars and bikes before stepping off the sidewalk

Sidewalks: Runner vs bike

  • Bikes don’t belong on the sidewalk. That’s what the bike lane is for. Having said that, if it’s and elderly person or a kid then they get the sidewalk. The bike lane can be scary so I get it. Also there are some areas where bikes are allowed on the sidewalk because there is no designated bike lane. So know your area and don’t go yelling at anyone for being on the sidewalk with their bike. (Not me, but someone I know.)
  • Adult on the sidewalk riding their bike. (And there’s a safe bike lane.) They should stop and pull over or get off the sidewalk. End of story.

While we are on the subject of bikes and bike lanes, always ride with traffic when you are on the street. Same rules apply to bikes as cars. Follow the law. If riding on the sidewalk is allowed, than you can ride in any direction. Always yield to pedestrians.

Trails: Runner vs hiker

  • Another person walking towards you. If the trail is narrow then whoever has a spot to pull over should. Usually the walker will pull over first because you (the runner) are moving quicker, but if it doesn’t look like they have a spot then obviously the person with room to pull over does.   
  • More than one person coming towards you. I will pull over and let them pass. It makes more sense for one person to squeeze to the side rather than a group of people. 
  • Coming up on one or more persons. I usually try to make some noise (I used to cough but that might freak out some people. I guess they would move over though. ;-)) so they know I am coming and move over, otherwise I take a walk break and wait for them to realize they are being followed. 
  • Faster runner: I always yield to the faster runner. 
  • Mountain bikers. Stay to the right and listen for bells. Most mountain bikers have a bell to let you know they are coming. They get the right of way. This might be a good time to mention headphone use on trails. If I use my earphones I leave the left one out so I can hear what’s coming. 

Miscellaneous: A couple things that I’m just going to throw out there… 1.) No Spitting! In a normal world this is just gross, but during a pandemic with a respiratory illness, it’s dangerous. I saw a guy spit while a group of people were waiting at a light to cross the street. Seriously dude? Wtf? And 2.) No stopping in the middle of the trail/sidewalk. It you stop, pull over. (Same rule for Costco shopping as well!) 

Did I forget anything? Do you worry about social distancing while out running/walking or hiking?

I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics and with Debbie, Deborah, Jen, Rachel, Lisa and Sandra for Runners’ Roundup.

tuesdays topics

Thanks for reading!




  1. deborahbrooks14 | 21st Jul 20

    I have written about this myself before as well. It drives me crazy every summer and it’s even worse this year. Between the cars and the bikes and the kids on the bikes oh my! Sadly, many people just don’t know the rules of the road!

    • Denise | 21st Jul 20

      They sure don’t. And yes it is way worse this year with all the people home and bored. On one hand I’m glad people are out getting exercise but on the other hand I miss having the streets mostly to myself. 🙂

  2. Wendy | 21st Jul 20

    This past weekend I rode my bike on the trail and there was a huge gathering of a family in the middle of it! WTH? I yelled at them to move. Seriously?

    • Denise | 21st Jul 20

      People are oblivious. On the beach trail last week there was a group standing in the middle of the trail. I told them they were going to get hit by a bike if they weren’t careful. If I had been on my bike they would’ve probably yelled at them too.

  3. Kim at Running on the Fly | 21st Jul 20

    So much of this (if not all of it) is simple common sense and courtesy…but we all know common sense isn’t all that common anymore. Sigh.

    • Denise | 21st Jul 20

      So true! Thus the reason I felt the need to write down some common sense rules. Unfortunately most of the people reading this already follow the rules. I guess I really just needed to vent a little.;-)

  4. Catrina | 21st Jul 20

    Yesterday, as I was cycling up a steep hill with my MTB, another biker on an electric bike overtook me. He apologized for overtaking me!
    He obviously didn’t need to, but I thought it was sweet.

    On the way downhill, there was a group of ladies obstructing the whole length of the very broad path. I slowed down until one of them noticed me, jumped to the side and apologized for blocking my way. That was nice, too.

    If only people were always so polite, life on the trails and pavements would be much easier!

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      I find that most people are polite but then there is a mountain biker that flies by without a warning or a group of people taking up the whole trail with no attempt to move over. Oh well, I try to just do my thing.

  5. Lisa | 22nd Jul 20

    When I am running with a stroller on the sidewalk towards someone who is running or walking by themselves I hope that they will move over to let me pass. Some do, some don’t and I end up having to veer the stroller over the grass and into the street to get around them safely. Luckily I run in a pretty quiet area without a lot of cars. Sometimes I just run in the street to avoid those situations.

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      Our streets are pretty quiet too, especially with the pandemic, but I still think it’s common curtesy to let the mother with a stroller to stay on the sidewalk.

  6. Shathiso | 22nd Jul 20

    This is great! Luckily, I run where there are very few people BUT I’ve been frustrated by walkers (walking next to each other) who don’t budge as I approach them. So I then I’ve had to find a way of getting round 3 people instead of 1 which I find a bit selfish of them!

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      Some people are definitely in their own little world. 😉

  7. Chocolaterunsjudy | 22nd Jul 20

    My neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks. And a LOT of people have no clue that they’re supposed to walk/run facing traffic. I have to say I feel as though the walkers should move over, because zig zagging is wasted energy on the run. But many times you can see they have no intentions of doing so so I do.

    You just happened to touch on one of my pet peeves . . .

    Great post, though! As the owner of small dogs, gotta say big dogs are just as unpredictable as little dogs. Little dogs get a bad rap. Some of them certainly deserve it — but not all. I worked hard to train my dogs — even though my 14 year old can STILL be reactive on leash — and I also pay attention to them when I’m walking them. Generally there aren’t bad dogs (for the most part), there are bad owners. Sorry, another “pet” peeve, LOL!

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      I agree about the bad dog owners and big dogs can be just as unpredictable (probably why I make sure to avoid them when I’m running with Luna). I guess I expect little dogs to be sweet and calm since they look so cute, but that is not always the case. Lol. I do love all dogs though.

      • Chocolaterunsjudy | 24th Jul 20

        Actually, little dogs do tend more to hyper than big dogs (unless they’re still puppies).

        Sometimes it’s an age thing too — Lola was super friendly until she got really old. I think some of it has to do with poor vision & hearing. Not sure how bad either is, but she definitely doesn’t see as well. The hearing may sometimes be selective. 🙂

  8. kookyrunner | 22nd Jul 20

    I’ve noticed SO much more sidewalk traffic since the pandemic, which I totally get because more people want to leave their house for walks, etc. I know most of these people are new to running/walking so I try to not get irritated when they don’t follow proper sidewalk etiquette but it does annoy me!

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      I’m glad more people are choosing to run and walk but I sometimes wish they would walk somewhere else. 😉 They just need to use a little common sense but we all know how that goes…

  9. Debbie Woodruff (@CoachDebbieRuns) | 22nd Jul 20

    The problem is that runners seem to know or figure out the rules while those you mention here don’t. I carry a mask in case I can’t avoid people. I live in a pretty quiet area so I don’t have to use it often but it comes in handy. And we don’t have very many sidewalks. I find that many walkers don’t get the idea they’re supposed to walk facing traffic so I frequenlty scoot over to the wrong side of the street for a moment until I pass them.

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      It seems to make sense that you would want to see what’s coming if you’re not on a sidewalk. At least it’s quiet where you are so it’s not too dangerous for the people that are unaware. Stay safe Debbie!

  10. Rachel (@running_onhappy) | 22nd Jul 20

    Yeah spitting is super nasty. Thankfully I really haven’t had an issue with crowded trails. The parks have been busier, no doubt, but nothing unmanageable. It probably helps that I run so early…

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      Most of the time the trails aren’t crowded but when I go to the ecological reserve the path is so narrow that it can be tricky trying to get around people. And yes, early does help.

  11. runswithpugs | 22nd Jul 20

    These are great tips and definitely something we need to pay more attention to these days. I saw a runner spit a few weeks ago (on the other side of the road) and I had a straight up visceral reaction! We KNOW better than to do that! I pretty much always yield or hop off the sidewalk to navigate around others. No taking chances over here.

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      I was shocked when that guy spit. And it wasn’t like we were running and he spit like some men do (which shouldn’t be happening right now either), we were just standing on a busy sidewalk at the beach. I should’ve said something but I didn’t.

  12. Sandra Laflamme (@organicrunmom) | 23rd Jul 20

    So many great reminders here. Some people can be so unaware of proper sidewalk and trail etiquette!

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      I don’t ride on the beach multi-use path for that exact reason. Recently someone put a line down the middle of the path with arrows on each side with chalk. It seemed to help but it has since faded so people are all over the place again. Ugh!

  13. Darlene | 23rd Jul 20

    I think you got it all. People need to read these lol

    I do admit there are a lot more people out these days and that’s a great thing.

    For the most part, people are doing the right thing but as always, there’s a few. I make sure to thank those bikers that call out “on your left”

    • Denise | 24th Jul 20

      I too think it’s a great thing that people are getting outside more, just read my rules people! LOL
      I always thank bikers when they call out “on your left” whether I’m riding or running. It’s so scary when they zip by you without warning. My husband just bought me a bell for my bike for that reason. I would hate to crash into someone. :-/

  14. Laurie | 24th Jul 20

    All good rules. It’s kind of amazing that we have to spell them out. They are just common courtesy, but…sigh!

  15. Zenaida Arroyo | 25th Jul 20

    While running I don’t see too many people on the sidewalk. I will admit that when I do I don’t always move away or follow the correct etiquette. Yikes! I do move if there is dog. My priorities are messed up here. Just to be on the safe side, I will just move whenever I see someone on the sidewalk. 🙂

    Thank you for linking up with us!

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